Search Result for “bangkok”

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Our Rose of Klong Toey, a Christmas baby

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 23/12/2021

» At Christmas, deep in the heart of each of us is a "broken alleluia". So often, almost always, in the slums of Klong Toey and here at Mercy Centre. The whispers, tears, the silent gestures of the children say so much about sadness and being dumped, left alone in an abandoned building or a bus stop. That's the broken part, and the alleluia is the joy of Christmas, of being loved. Being found.



Opening doors for the ordinary

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 15/04/2021

» To kick open the door only once -- and it stays open. That's what our Mercy Centre and Human Development Foundation does.



Jesus in Klong Toey

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 25/12/2020

» Baby Jesus was too young to travel but there was no choice. It was either life or death. His parents -- blessed Virgin Mary and carpenter Joseph -- had to run from the bad guys. It was either flee or die. The angel had jarred Joseph awake in a vivid no-nonsense dream saying that they are going to kill baby Jesus and that means you and his mum too because we angels know you will give your lives defending infant Jesus.


From the muck andback into the muck, with a different purpose

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 01/06/2020

» It began with a slaughterhouse alumna of our oldest slum kindergarten. She's a young mum now and a heroine in our war on Covid-19. But just a short time ago, she was in a spot of bother. In fact, several spots of bother.


When others turn away

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 06/04/2020

» Temple kitchens are always off to the side, unnoticed unless you are part of the kitchen staff -- those devoted ladies who cook and clean for every ceremonial meal. Auntie Grannie is one of the selfless. Not surprisingly, she is also someone who will always stand by your side when others turn away.



Christmas Letter 2019

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 25/12/2019

» Along with revered legends like the Archangel Gabriel, who appeared to the Virgin Mary to ask if she would be the Mother of Jesus, we hold dearly to the Star in the East.



Moonshine Mum

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 04/11/2019

» It wasn't a big jump off Three Soldiers Bridge, maybe 3m, but no matter. She couldn't swim. When you can't swim, any jump into a canal is dangerous.



Magic in the name game

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 21/10/2019

» Most folk around here believe in the power and sacredness of a given name. And maybe that's how Master Ohm survived on pilfered leftover noodles -- by the sacred power of the sacred name pounded into him by the nasty but pious noodle lady who works from a stall parked next to the sacred shrine.


Slum justice

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 12/08/2019

» Her screams saved her life. Lordy Lord that girl could scream. Never heard such screaming.


Klong Toey's own worker of magic

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 02/07/2019

» Jae Muey usually dressed in a secondhand slightly frayed wedding dress, looking very much like a fairy godmother. But she didn't do any whambo-bambo Harry Potter stuff. None of her magic shot out of a fancy wand. Rather, her special powers came from a beautiful soul and a faded three-wheel rickety push cart with a squeaky side wheel.