Search Result for “3.2.1”

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Justice system still shackled by politics

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 07/02/2019

» Has Thailand been caught between a rock and a hard place over the extradition case of detained Bahraini footballer Hakeem al-Araibi, who holds refugee status in Australia but is wanted by Bahrain for alleged vandalism?



Bad air days are no laughing matter

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 24/01/2019

» We shouldn't fool ourselves. In the coming weeks, whenever the air quality standard in Bangkok and other cities is declared safe and healthy, it can still be unsafe and deadly.



History repeats as graftbusters fall flat

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 04/01/2019

» If it was the subject of a piece of detective fiction, the long-running probe by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) into allegations that Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon deliberately concealed assets in the form of over 20 luxury watches would probably be a colossal flop: forgotten overnight or ridiculed for years to come.



Let's hear it for the year's real heroes

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 25/12/2017

» With the constant chilly breeze in the evening and nice temperatures during the day, the cold spell this year has been more generous to Bangkokians than the increasingly suppressive political climate (We have been through many rounds of political turmoil for years, but had rarely experienced this kind of pleasant winter.)



Consumers made to pay for government sins

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 14/09/2017

» Is this government becoming broke and hatching a new "sin tax" plan to force allegedly sinful consumers like us to pay more? I couldn't help but raise this speculation with a friend over possible price hikes in alcohol, cigarettes and coffee, when new excise tax rates take effect this Saturday.