
Showing 21 - 25 of 25


Why humans fight, both now and 10,000 years ago

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 26/01/2016

» Is there a fundamental difference between war fought for reasons of belief and war fought out of self-interest? Is one more primitive than the other, or morally superior?



Yuan move is good for political stability

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 08/12/2015

» The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) decision to designate the Chinese renminbi, commonly known as the yuan, as a global reserve currency will, over time, encourage the country's leadership to make the currency more tradeable. But the political implications of global reserve status may be more significant than the economic ones.


'Happy Birthday' to all, except for some lawyers

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 30/09/2015

» Happy Birthday has been freed from its copyright shackles: rejoice! But don't rejoice too much. The federal district court in California that invalidated Warner/Chappell Music's claim to own the lyrics didn't rely on the logic you might imagine, namely that the words are as much a part of the public domain as, well, the phrase Happy Birthday.


Misperceptions fuel Israel violence

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 20/10/2015

» One of the most striking features of the terrible cycle of violence in Israel right now is a recurring disagreement about the facts. From the Israeli perspective, Palestinians are randomly stabbing Israelis, after which Israeli police or bystanders shoot the assailants to prevent further violence. From the Palestinian perspective, the shootings by Israelis are either unprovoked or disproportionate to the threats and therefore amount to extrajudicial killings.


How terrorism will lead to IS downfall

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 27/07/2015

» Turkey's airstrikes against Islamic State (IS) and its decision to allow US warplanes to operate from its air bases are in direct response to terrorist attacks in the Turkish town of Suruc earlier in the week. The cause-and-effect relationship highlights what's becoming a central strategic dilemma for Islamic State.