Search Result for “corruption”

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France finds it tough to rid itself of political corruption

News, John Lloyd, Published on 09/03/2017

» Political corruption in France is common, and usually -- if the politician is at or near the top of the political game -- unpunished by law. Yet the 2017 presidential election may mark something of a revolt against a semi-aristocratic disdain for the public whose tax euros have long been plundered for private or party use.



How the Catalonia vote threatens the EU

News, John Lloyd, Published on 06/11/2017

» The struggles for and against independence in the Spanish province of Catalonia are emblematic of the European Union's present strength and its future weakness. They also display the weaknesses, present and future, of the two leaders of the contending parties: Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister and Carles Puigdemont, president of Catalonia.


Politics of confrontation heats up

News, John Lloyd, Published on 15/10/2018

» The next president of Brazil, Latin America's giant, is all but certain to be former army captain Jair Bolsonaro -- who was relatively unknown, even in his own country, just a few months ago, but who now has a large public profile all round the world. At 63, he has spent years in public life, leaving a mark -- but not a large one -- as a man of the far right, ready with insults for women who oppose him, disgusted by homosexuality, approving of the military dictatorship that killed and tortured leftists between 1964 and 1985.


Imagining a post-Putin Russia

News, John Lloyd, Published on 27/08/2018

» It's not the week to say it, but Donald Trump has a point. It isn't original and what it proposes will be hard to do, yet when he says that "getting along with Russia is a good thing", as he did before his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last month, he isn't wrong.



Italy's right to make wrong choice

News, John Lloyd, Published on 04/06/2018

» The Italian crisis is over, and has just begun. Its dimensions go far beyond Italy; they are now European, even global. The near three-month long improvisations on a theme of governance ended Thursday with the announcement of an administration headed by Giuseppe Conte, a law professor with no government experience tasked with running a cabinet controlled by the leaders of the two parties which form that administration -- a signal of weak, divided and warring politics at the summit of power for the foreseeable future.



What Italy's power crash means for the EU: It's all bad

News, John Lloyd, Published on 07/03/2018

» Power has crashed down in Italy -- in two senses.



Why Putin is still – genuinely – popular in Russia

News, John Lloyd, Published on 22/03/2018

» Vladimir Putin won big on Sunday. According to the central election commission, the Russian president glides into his fourth term after winning his biggest-ever election victory, with nearly 77% favouring him. His nearest rival was an affluent multi-millionaire communist who got more than 11% by presenting himself as a Putin-plus, with a programme of nationalising the oligarchs' property instead of merely controlling it.



Xi's new power won't stop expressions of dissent

News, John Lloyd, Published on 30/10/2017

» Xi Jinping -- president of China, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, chairman of the Central Military Commission, chief of the military's Joint Operations Command Centre, chairman of the committees on cyber security, economics and finance among others -- has a new honour that will linger long after he leaves office.



Why social democrats have become irrelevant

News, John Lloyd, Published on 20/11/2017

» In almost every country in Europe, parties of the centre-left struggle to remain competitive in the political arena. Yet social democracy -- though it can claim success in creating and developing public services which have improved the lives and health of citizens -- can now rarely convince its former supporters that it's still worth their votes.



Middle Europe turns back on EU

News, John Lloyd, Published on 23/10/2017

» In the Oct 15 Austrian elections, the 31-year old head of the conservative Austrian People's Party took his formerly languishing party to victory and secured the chancellorship for himself. Sebastian Kurz is on course to be the youngest leader in the developed world.