Search Result for “americans”

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Trump's political theatre on Iran's nuke programme

News, Peter Van Buren, Published on 05/05/2018

» Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who on Monday presented what he claimed was evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons programme, may have added fuel to a looming foreign policy crisis for the United States. On May 12, President Donald Trump is expected to decide to re-impose sanctions on Iran under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. That will significantly increase the chances of war -- and may be exactly the outcome Washington seeks.



Trump not all wrong on hurricane-hit Puerto Rico

News, Peter Van Buren, Published on 06/10/2017

» It seems there's a template that critics follow for Donald Trump versus the hurricanes: They say he won't do enough, that it isn't being done fast enough, that everything will collapse (ready Katrina headlines) and then the draining, heroic reality of the response takes hold. With post-Maria Puerto Rico the latest example of that trope, it's time for a better understanding of how disaster management works.