
Showing 171 - 173 of 173


The naked Proof

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 25/01/2012

» Of late, there's been a fair share of diverse, interesting international bands playing Bangkok, rather than the usual stadium acts or veteran performers who are on their last world tour... for the 10th time. The Naked and Famous were the latest in line to fulfil the wet dreams of all hipsters when they rolled into town last week.



Sterling Effort

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 01/02/2012

» The Silverlake Music Festival took its first baby steps last Saturday, transforming part of a vast vineyard in Chon Buri into a venue for Incubus fans, lovers of live music in the great outdoors and a sprinkling of curious tourists.


Hoot property

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 01/02/2012

» Conducting interviews at a music festival must be the bane of any sane journalist's existence. Running from one stage to another is hard enough, but when thrown into a pressroom near the stage where it's too loud and stuffy, it can get even more frustrating. That's what happened during our short slot with US electronica act Owl City, aka Adam Young, at the recent Silverlake Music Festival in Pattaya. He was propped up on stage while I was fielding him questions from a chair off stage _ communicating through microphones. It looked like a scene from an Asian arthouse movie where, at any minute, Young might get off his high stage to bite off my head, and then butterflies would rise from the ground to eat my corpse.