
Showing 11 - 20 of 71



Just getting going

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 14/12/2016

» There were only three start-ups in Thailand four years ago. Today the country has over 100, with the total value of investment in 2016 around 7 billion baht -- a figure likely to only increase.



Dispose of old phones with Dtac's help

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 02/12/2016

» Have no idea what to do with your old mobile phones, batteries and accessories? A new project by Dtac might suggest a way out.



Easing the way for the elderly

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 09/11/2016

» Wristbands that alert caregivers to health emergencies. Speaking robots to assist the elderly. The Internet of Things for healthcare efficiency. As Thailand edges closer to becoming the first emerging country of Southeast Asia to become an ageing society, technology creators here have worked to develop innovations that will ease the burden of the population and ensure a better life for the elderly.



AirPay launches new card to tap into online shopping market

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 23/11/2016

» A rapid growth of online payment users in Thailand has led to service provider AirPay launching the AirPay Card, a virtual prepaid card, to boost the convenience of online transactions.



Staying connected during one's grief

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 03/11/2016

» Besides free food and transportation during the ongoing mourning ceremony for His Majesty the late King, Wi-Fi has been also available free of charge for the crowd at the Grand Palace and Sanam Luang.



Learning English, naturally

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 05/10/2016

» There are several ways to learn English. But for children, it is important that the learning process is both fun and enhances their cognitive, creative and social-emotional development.



The tech effect

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 14/09/2016

» Following the announcement that it has become the first "smart city" in the country, Phuket recently opened its Smart City Innovation Park to promote development and technology learning as two of their key functions.



Just too prompt

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 18/07/2016

» A friend of mine in Trang province asked in a chat group if she should register on PromptPay. Many senior people in her community, she said, have been approached to apply for the service since they will be able to receive the state's living allowances faster and more conveniently.



IT hub Pantip Plaza to unveil new look

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 05/08/2016

» A decade ago, everyone had only one destination in mind to buy a computer, install software (legit or otherwise), or fix broken devices: Pantip Plaza. Before the spread of computer centres and online shopping, the building on Phetchaburi Road was where the latest models of hardware and new versions of software were always available. Some of them were on sale at Pantip even before the official announcement from developers.



Think afresh: Study in New Zealand

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 13/07/2016

» For Thai students who dream of visiting a country that is truly one of the top destinations for further education -- and one of the most picturesque and photogenic -- the chance is here.