
Showing 21 - 30 of 958


Lawyer warns army to back off

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/11/2016

» The lawyer defending three human rights activists facing defamation charges over their torture report on the deep South has warned more reports of atrocities would be aired if the army continues with its suit.


Eviction delay urged as forest map redone

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 30/11/2016

» As the cabinet is poised to endorse a common map of forest land to be shared by all state agencies before the end of the year, activists have suggested the state put eviction plans on hold until the map has been finalised.



Vitit asks for 'open hearts and minds'

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 01/12/2016

» UN gay rights envoy Vitit Muntarbhorn has made a passionate pledge and plea before hundreds of participants from around the world, to achieve a "Leave No One Behind" global agenda at the first global conference on LGBTI Wednesday in Bangkok.


Global forum urges adoption of migrant rights pledge

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 11/12/2016

» Dhaka: Thailand has fully supported the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration, a rights protection pledge agreed upon in New York last September.



Oct 6 activists pass on the fighting torch

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 04/10/2016

» The quest for an "equal and just society" ignited by a student movement that culminated in the Oct 6, 1976 bloodshed must be carried on by younger generations amid ideological differences among people who experienced the turmoil and the government's reluctance to open a discussion, say student activists.


Vitit's UN human rights role draws global praise

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 02/10/2016

» The appointment of renowned human rights expert and social commentator Vitit Muntarbhorn as the UN's first independent expert to investigate violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity has won widespread approval around the world.



Few crisis lessons learned

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 03/10/2016

» Four decades after the Oct 6, 1976 bloodshed, one of the most gruesome chapters in modern Thai history has not yet been demystified by the Thai state, with some of the event's masterminds still powerful today, say academics.



Justice must come for all victims of political violence

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/10/2016

» All victims of political violence, including marginalised members of society, killed in times of turmoil deserve as much recognition as the intellectuals slaughtered in the brutal bloodshed of Oct 6, 1976, say media and political activists.



Joshua Wong 'saw it coming'

Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/10/2016

» Young Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong appeared to have foreseen his trip to Bangkok would not be smooth, according his Facebook.


Appeal Court strikes blow to Apichat

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/10/2016

» The Appeal Court has argued that a police investigation of anti-coup activist Apichat Pongsawat's defiance of the no-rally order issued by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) was valid, overturning a decision by the Court of First Instance, or the lower court.