
Showing 11 - 20 of 94



It's not just the pretty packaging

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 12/05/2018

» It may be commonplace to find locally made products wrapped in outdated-looking packages as many villagers still lack flair for product packaging and innovation, despite their importance in marketing and pulling in consumers.



Will ACT see Suthep's dreams come true?

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 30/05/2018

» The successful registration last week of the Ruamphalang Prachachartthai Party, or the Action Coalition for Thailand (ACT), is seen as symbolising the commitment of protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, the party's de facto leader, to reinvent Thai politics and push for national reforms.



Smart vineyard, finer wine

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 21/04/2018

» The technology-driven smart farming concept has been adopted by at least one Thai family that has invested in a winery -- a business turf not many Thais have ventured into -- which has raised the impact of their homegrown GranMonte label on the world market.



CSR Thailand: 'Fishing' lessons to enrich the poor

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 05/05/2018

» Mechai Viravaidya, dubbed "Mr Condom" for driving a successful campaign to help reduce the country's birthrate since the early 1970s, is pushing an equally important grassroots agenda, but this time it is to alleviate poverty by promoting increased self-reliance and avoiding handouts.



Regime cultivating 'allies' in Northeast

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 08/05/2018

» The regime is out to court politicians in the Northeast during a two-day cabinet trip as it has made big promises to inject massive development funds into the region, political sources note.



From mayhem reigning to Project Peace

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 17/03/2018

» The insurgent-led violence in the far South has entered its 14th year and even though there is no clear end in sight, locals should not put their lives on hold, according to Pongsak Yingchoncharoen, the mayor of Yala province.



Stranded boats clog Mekong

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 09/03/2018

» More than 10 cargo boats have been grounded in the Mekong River near Chiang Rai after the river receded considerably in recent days, according to the operator of a cruise service.



College key to Shan regeneration

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 19/02/2018

» The Shan State Army (SSA) laid down its arms in a ceasefire with the Myanmar government two years ago and the state's ruling administration is now enjoying the fruits of the transition to peace. These quieter times have allowed the building of the first vocational college in the rebel-controlled area which will start with the help of Thai tertiary institutes, according to the authority in charge of the matter.



Caring to make up for lost time

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 24/02/2018

» The life of a woman in her mid-30s who held a management position at a world-renowned cosmetics company changed suddenly after her father suffered acute heart failure.



Ratchaburi struggles to keep the faith

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 06/01/2018

» A small Catholic community nestled in the orchards of Ratchaburi is making plans to patch up the worn social fabric evident in a steady drop in the number of churchgoers.