
Showing 1 - 10 of 31



Growing back better

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 13/07/2020

» The prolonged Covid-19 outbreak has caused widespread suffering as countries grapple with simultaneous health and socio-economic crises on an unprecedented scale. At a time of extreme global fragility, many businesses also remain unsure about how they can recover from the worst hardships they have ever experienced.



Pandemic of abuse

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 27/07/2020

» Stay-at-home and lockdown measures have helped to contain the greatest public-health threat the world has seen in decades. But as Covid-19 receded in many countries, a new public-health crisis was emerging behind closed doors, with increased domestic violence against women and children.



Stuck in the middle

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 22/06/2020

» In 2015-16 during one of the grimmest humanitarian crises in decades, more than 300,000 displaced people tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea to safety in Europe and away from persecution and danger in war-ravaged North Africa. At least 15,000 lost their lives in the crossings, according to the the International Organization for Migration (IOM). That was just the tip of an iceberg.



Leading with purpose

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 06/07/2020

» The longstanding relationship between Thailand and Germany has been marked by numerous cooperation efforts that have been fundamental to advancing the kingdom's economic development. The German government development agency GIZ has been among the driving forces behind this fruitful relationship.



Hands-free healthcare

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 01/06/2020

» The devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic has made it clear that profound changes are needed in the way we live. Everything people do -- from work to school, travel and other activities -- is being reimagined.



Identity defender

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 08/06/2020

» In today's deeply interconnected world, protecting our identity is a growing cause for concern. Everything we use to prove who we are, from ID cards and passports to access cards at our workplaces, is underpinned by a lot of impressive technology. But bad actors with equally impressive hacking skills are always lurking in the background, ready to compromise the latest advances in security.


Our disappearing rights

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 15/06/2020

» It's been over a week since the disappearance of Wanchalearm Satsaksit, an exiled Thai activist living in Cambodia, touched off a heated debate in Thai social media and beyond.



Lofty goals elusive

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 11/05/2020

» At the close of the last millennium, leaders from around the globe gathered at the United Nations to endorse the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) -- an agenda to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. They agreed to achieve the eight goals by 2015.



Sun, sand and sustainability

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 18/05/2020

» Mention the Maldives to most people and they will think of idyllic luxury resorts built over brilliant aquamarine waters. But it wasn't always so.



Prescriptions for recovery

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 20/04/2020

» In just four months since the emergence of a mystery virus in China, the world has become a dramatically different place. Covid-19 has become a household word in nearly every country on the planet, leaving a trail of sickness and death that has not been seen in decades.