
Showing 21 - 30 of 41



The art of the matter

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/07/2012

» Standing amid an eclectic collection of artworks at the opening of the exhibition "Empowering Women Farmers for a Sustainable Livelihood" are a handful of the artists. Nitaya Ueareeworakul, a founding member of Womanifesto _ an artists' network-building organisation that hosts exhibitions, workshops and seminars, and encourages interaction within urban and rural communities _ explains to Brunch that most of her work is political, aimed at empowering women. Through art she hopes to raise awareness of many issues affecting women _ in this case a push towards equal land ownership regulations that would make it easier for female farmers and women in rural communities to own the land they work and live on.



In whichever way her spirit moves her

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 29/07/2012

» Sejal Surendra Sood came to the arts via what many might consider an unlikely route: the mathematics programme at the renowned Massachusetts Institute for Technology. As incongruous as it might seem, she found that both maths and the arts offered the chance to communicate ideas about life. She pursued art and dance in New York before making her way east to Mumbai and now Bangkok to explore different forms of dance, which inspire both her visual and performance art.


A taste of india

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 15/07/2012

» Rajan Misra, the quadrilingual head chef at the Rang Mahal _ one of Bangkok's most notable restaurants in North Indian cuisine _ hails from New Delhi. He cut his culinary teeth at the high-end Taj Palace Hotel in New Delhi and has been Rang Mahal's head chef since 2003, during which time the restaurant has won many Best Indian Restaurant in Thailand awards _ nine in a row from Thailand Tatler and seven from Bangkok Dining & Entertainment magazine, as well as one last year from



Exhibition pulls hiv positive out of their lonely plight

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» In 2001, an Aids-related brain infection forced Han Nefkens to learn to eat, walk, speak, read and write all over again. What could have been a lonely and harrowing path to recovery wasn't, he says, because of the community he has become a part of as a collector and patron of the arts for more than a decade.


An open invite to access all arias

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 20/05/2012

» Interminable arias, incomprehensible stories, deadly boredom _ these are some of the apprehensions people might have when approaching opera, says Anette Pollner, director of Who Is Afraid of the Opera?, a new Bangkok Music Society production.


Love pictured together, Standing apart

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» At first Piyarat Piyapongwiwat's "Queerness", a series of photographs of couples, doesn't appear to be a gay art exhibition. The photos aren't a celebration of sexuality or an overt claim for rights. These are subtle and personal portraits; the relationships are not always immediately apparent and there is a timeless element to the compositions. As in a black and white photograph of your great-grandparents, the couples don't smile. They are posing, but not formally. The impression is of a quick window into the lives of couples, as they turn to look momentarily _ before resuming their lives. It's an intimate demonstration that same-sex couples are as loving and connected as any other.


Equality on the horizon

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» Copper plates, holes in the wall, plywood. At first glance, "Pixel Horizon" by Montri Toemsombat doesn't seem that expressive. The sheets of copper reflect the light against the white walls of the 100 Tonson Gallery, the use of space is aesthetically interesting, but an overall artistic statement isn't immediately apparent.


Not just pizza and pasta

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 15/04/2012

» Michelin-starred chef Alfredo Russo returned to Rossini's restaurant at the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit last month to introduce his "new Italian-style cuisine" and a new menu combining tradition and innovation.



Come to Bangkok and show me What you see

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 22/04/2012

» An exhibition at Le Meridien, Bangkok, titled ''A New Perspective on Photography: A Look through Bangkok'', is the result of a three-day workshop with renowned lensman Ralph Gibson and nine photographers from Thailand, Cambodia, India, China and Hong Kong.



Reality Check

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 13/05/2012

» She was a part-time musician working in a New York coffee shop when a friend pressured her to audition for an obscure new reality TV show. She reluctantly gave it a shot and two months later was singing to more than 12 million television viewers in the finals of The Voice.