
Showing 91 - 100 of 157



Rama connection

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 09/01/2017

» The Ramayana and Ramakien have long served as reminders of the deep cultural bonds between India and Thailand. Now scholars and other experts on the two epics are looking at ways to use them in the context of cultural and historical, tourism and economic connections between the two countries.



Tough love

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 23/01/2017

» For Mohan Chaturvedi, the first six months of his marriage were like hell. Sexual relations with his wife were a torment because he suffered from premature ejaculation. The three "sex pharmacies" he consulted for a cure fleeced him of the equivalent of 52,400 baht without giving him any respite whatsoever.



Single screens, multiple pains

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 06/02/2017

» A few decades ago, the family of Mukund Sanghi, a film producer based in Udaipur, owned 20 cinemas in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh states. Over the years 19 of them have closed for various reasons. The only one remaining, the Ashoka in Udaipur, is now run by Fun Cinemas, a brand owned by the international exhibitor Cinépolis.



Marathon man

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 23/01/2017

» Natarajan Chandrasekaran faces a long road ahead of him as he sets out to restore the reputation and fortunes of India's biggest conglomerate after months of unseemly boardroom infighting.



Thailand on front lines of tobacco control

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 28/11/2016

» Thailand has won praise from a United Nations conference on tobacco control for its success in fighting off legal challenges from the tobacco industry in the last two years.


Digital silver lining

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 26/12/2016

» Sunil Kaushik, alias Sonu, has never had it so easy.



Money mess

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 05/12/2016

» Saurabh Goyal is facing the worst time of his life. The director of BD Green Homes, a New Delhi real estate company, he has not made a single property deal since the government launched its surprise demonetisation campaign.



Inspiring odyssey: Indian man cycles for months to find missing partner

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 12/12/2016

» The story of Tapeshwar Bhagat, 40, a daily-wage labourer who looks like a renunciant with his flowing salt-and-pepper beard and curly hair locks, makes for a perfect movie script.



Delhi gasps for answers to pollution scourge

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 21/11/2016

» When Akkarat Bunyasam, a young visitor from Thailand, landed in India's national capital on Nov 6 he was shocked beyond words.



Fast track to India

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 31/10/2016

» India has made significant strides under Prime Minister Narendra Modi to position itself as more friendly to foreign investment, but the actual process of getting a new business off the ground is still not as smooth as investors or authorities want it to be.