
Showing 1 - 4 of 4


All hail Asean's warrior princess

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 08/03/2021

» I couldn't believe that I hadn't been to the cinema for nearly a year. Blame Covid-19 for putting movie theatres off-limits, leaving us no choice but to entertain ourselves at home. It's no substitute for the pleasure of the big silver screen, but for the sake of my health, I had no choice.



Online safety for children is everyone's responsibility

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 07/05/2018

» Shutting children away behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and with no internet, can protect them up to a point. But preventing children from engaging with the world hurts their development in the long run.


Big-screen shift

Asia focus, Published on 02/05/2016

» JAIPUR, INDIA - Indian cinema is witnessing a major sea change. While dubbed Hollywood movies in the multilingual Indian market are becoming bigger box-office successes, Hollywood producers are also finding that Indian themes appeal to a wide audience and they are shooting more films in the country.


Penguin Power

Asia focus, Published on 26/01/2015

» K-pop and soap operas have taken the world by storm, but so too has a short-legged blue penguin wearing orange glasses and aviator cap who lives in a snowy peaceful island together with his friends.