
Showing 21,321 - 21,330 of 21,700


Why doesn't anyone get fired?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 27/01/2012

» Spending my days sunning myself aboard my luxury yacht, while dictating these words to my personal manservant is extremely hard work. Trust me, completing arduous tasks like napping, sitting upright and breathing is no easy feat. And don't even get me started on finding good help these days - doesn't everyone know they're supposed to peel the skin off grapes before feeding them to me?


Why doesn't anyone get fired?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 27/01/2012

» Spending my days sunning myself aboard my luxury yacht, while dictating these words to my personal manservant is extremely hard work. Trust me, completing arduous tasks like napping, sitting upright and breathing is no easy feat. And don't even get me started on finding good help these days - doesn't everyone know they're supposed to peel the skin off grapes before feeding them to me?


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Published on 27/01/2012

» MARRIAGE: If you had been invited to local TV producer Chadil "Deffy" Yuenying's recent wedding, what would you have experienced?



Help for Thailand's most marginalised

News, Published on 29/01/2012

» The magnitude of the problem doesn't excuse the inadequate policies of successive Thai governments, nor does it absolve the business sector of its responsibility to treat the workforce it depends on with fairness and respect


Much Ado About Nothing

News, Published on 29/01/2012

» I'm writing in regards to the controversy over the worthiness of Nalinee Taveesin _ who is on a US blacklist because of her involvement with Robert Mugabe and his wife _ to keep her position with the government.


Time for the elephant's hind legs defence?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/01/2012

» The saga of the allegedly "unusually wealthy" civil servant and his missing millions of baht continues to ramble on in true Thai tradition. The gentleman in question at least finally appeared before the graft busters last week and proceeded to say absolutely nothing, which in his position is probably the best thing to say.



All men are not created equal

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 29/01/2012

» If a referendum were to be held on the lese majeste law _ Article 112 of the Criminal Code _ the overwhelming majority of people would be in favour of it. They would say there is no need for an amendment, and that it definitely should not be abolished. I have no proof for this claim; it is merely an opinion, though I would like to see it put to the test just for fun.


India's year of living stagnantly

News, Jaswant Singh, Published on 29/01/2012

» Will 2012 prove to be a year of renewal for India, or another annus horribilis? No country progresses unerringly, but India cannot afford another politically and economically torpid year like 2011. For India, last year is a year best forgotten.


Safety is not an accident

News, Published on 28/01/2012

» Some cultures in the developed world have become so obsessed with safety awareness that they seem to have lost sight of common sense. It is hard to know what to make of reported bans on skipping ropes and knitting needles. The warning on a packet of peanuts that it "contains nuts" is one example of the abundance of pointless and seemingly needless cautionary signs stating the obvious.


Business before ethics

News, Published on 28/01/2012

» Re: Embattled Nalinee Taveesin. I think we're all looking at this the wrong way. For one, the Pheu Thai Party gave up worrying about its reputation a long time ago; in the current political climate all that matters is that most of their voters have never heard of Zimbabwe and couldn't care less. Also, the US blacklist is the result of America's own lofty ideals regarding justice and rights. Here in Asia, one wouldn't be so foolish as to let something as abstract as ethics get in the way of business opportunities.