
Showing 81 - 90 of 111



Scams all around

News, Postbag, Published on 18/11/2015

» William Boyd (PostBag, Nov 17) is right to complain about being scammed by BTS staff. However when he states, “I am not Thai, but I am a human being” this is true only some of the time in Thailand.



Bad business at BTS

News, Postbag, Published on 17/11/2015

» On Nov 15 at 8.30am, as I exited BTS Asoke on my way to church, a woman yelled at me, “Are you Thai?” When I replied no, she demanded to see my passport. I showed her my Thai driving licence, as I do not carry my passport with me. She then rudely snatched my BTS ticket from my hand. I tried to get it back and she called security and a supervisor.



Time to get real

News, Postbag, Published on 19/11/2015

» Bob Irwin in his Nov 17 letter "A partisan post" suggests the BP has changed shirts from yellow to red. Having been an avid reader and writer of letters for almost nine years, there does seem to have been a change in editorial stance over the years.



Let's not generalise

News, Postbag, Published on 20/11/2015

» Mr Wilcox in his Nov 19 letter seems to put great effort into convincing us that terrorists who proclaim themselves to be Muslims are thereby representative of Islam as a whole. Using the same logic, or rather generalisation, all Catholics are homosexual paedophiles, Buddhist monks are purveyors of hate and violence and the Jewish people are murderous Zionist extremists, etc, etc, etc. It simply isn’t true. So I agree. It really is time to get real.



Looking closer at TPP

News, Postbag, Published on 26/11/2015

» Re: “What the TPP pact means for Thailand”, (PostBag, Nov 25). The Trans-Pacific Partnership is in part about trade, but it also directly serves the interests of multinational corporations who seek to benefit from a single regulatory environment to be established among all TPP member nations. It is not only about labour law but most significantly about labelling requirements for food and patent protection for medicines.



THAI losses unpicked

News, Postbag, Published on 24/11/2015

» Regarding THAI’s spiralling losses (BP, Nov 23) may I be permitted to add my comments: When I first flew with this airline some 40 years ago it was regarded as one of the best, with superb in-flight service. Nowadays it seems as if the cabin crew are picked for their looks, their family connections and their desire to shop in the world’s capitals.



Climate denial

News, Postbag, Published on 25/11/2015

» Re: “Govt must act fast to stem scourge of climate change”, (Opinion, Nov 20).



Time to talk Turkey

News, Postbag, Published on 27/11/2015

» The downing of Russia’s plane by Turkey (BP, Nov 26) seems to be brash and likely to escalate tensions, in a region which is already brimming with conflict.



Folly of censoring

News, Postbag, Published on 30/11/2015

» After reading "Human rights advocacy costs Canadian a shot at Miss World" (BP, Nov 29), I realised I would most likely have never heard of Anastasia Lin nor read her opinions if the Chinese government had not tried to silence her.



Exceptions to our rights

News, Postbag, Published on 01/12/2015

» Scott A Hipsher (PostBag, Nov 30) notes that Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (not the "Declaration of Universal Rights" as he writes) has "no clauses listing exceptions".