
Showing 91 - 100 of 174



Escape from poverty

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 11/09/2017

» It was a cold winter night when Ji Seong-ho lost both of his left limbs. He was trying to jump onto a moving freight train to steal coal being transported from North Korea to China. He slipped on the snow and tumbled under the wheels of the carriage.



Australia's e-envoy

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/07/2017

» Step into the office of Tobias Feakin during lunchtime and you might hear the pulsing bass of Jack Bruce from 1960s legends Cream or the latest album by Circa Waves, a Liverpool-based indie rock band of more recent vintage. Listening to music, he says, helps him unwind, and a taste for British bands reflects his time spent studying in the UK.



Social media a key to reaching Myanmar consumers

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/07/2017

» As social media gains popularity in Myanmar, more foreign companies are using it to reach consumers who go online for product information. However, marketing to Myanmar's growing consumer class has room for improvement.



The world on his plate

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 05/06/2017

» At the age of 71, Adirek Sripratak shows no signs of slowing down. The former president and CEO of Charoen Pokphand Foods Plc (CPF) officially became chairman in March, but he is still travelling far and wide in search of new markets and merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities for one of the world's leading protein food companies.



Reform on the menu

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 05/06/2017

» Southeast Asia faces challenges of food security and nutrition as population growth and rising affluence increase food demand and competition for resources. Longer-term challenges include changes in consumption patterns, volatile food prices, climate change impact, conversion of agricultural land to industrial uses, and migration of labour from rural to urban areas.



Online trading evangelist

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 12/06/2017

» It was quite a leap from a home-cleaning business to foreign-exchange trading, but Mario Singh has since channeled his curiosity and enthusiasm for the world of currencies into a rewarding career as a high-profile investor and educator. Now one of the prominent forex analysts and trading coaches in Southeast Asia, the founder of the online brokerage Fullerton Markets loves sharing his insights with others.



Better to give ...

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 03/07/2017

» Asians are generous by nature when it comes to donating to worthy causes. Religious giving is mostly informal but is often the starting point for philanthropy on a broader scale in Taiwan, China, India, Myanmar, Singapore and other countries.



Decisive and diversified

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 24/04/2017

» Many critics wrote off Kumar Mangalam Birla when he took the helm of one of India's leading businesses as a 28-year-old rookie. But the reviews in recent years have been mostly positive for the man who has helped build a conglomerate that is among the world leaders in the fields in which it operates.



E-commerce forces brick-and-mortar stores to innovate

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/04/2017

» With e-commerce being fitted into their arsenals, retailers are now aiming to provide new experiences and greater convenience for shoppers. And while bricks-and-mortar stores will continue to exist, they are no longer places exclusively for shopping, but also must function as showrooms and fitting rooms.



Certification showdown

Asia focus, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 08/05/2017

» Efforts by Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to "green" the palm oil supply chain have gathered momentum despite some hiccups. The question is whether the outcome will be in time to make a difference for the world.