
Showing 1 - 10 of 11



Isis foiled

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/02/2019

» Until a few years ago, no Western publisher dared say a word against Isis, the Muslim terrorist extremists infamous for taking umbridge and reacting violently. No longer. Isis is now targeted by the media and by novelists with impunity.



Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 19/01/2018

» It has been a while a since I smiled while reading a book. My sense of humour is good and I don't hold back my laughter at something that tickles my funny bone. I find Thai double-entendres most amusing. This reviewer wishes books were funny. Those called hilarious by critics simply aren't.



The enemy is them

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/10/2017

» Yank seafarer and treasure hunter Clive Cussler is a prolific author of adventure stories, several co-authored. His series include Dirk Pitt, Sam and Remi Fargo, Isaac Bell, Kurt Austin and The Oregon Files. To his credit they are all popular. Dirk Pitt perhaps the most.




Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/06/2017

» For king and country



Child victims

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/06/2017

» Novels are supposedly fictional, imaginary. Similarities to persons and places are coincidental. Which is a legal way of saying: "Don't blame us" -- authors and publishers -- "for sticking it to actual people and/or places."



A bit rich

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/01/2017

» I learned the oldest of lessons as a social investigator in the Big Apple. The great wish of the poor is to become rich and the rich want to become richer. It was interesting to observe how they went about it. Unlike the middle class, the poor didn't have a work ethic. They felt entitled to unearned income.



The actual arch-enemy

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/02/2017

» For several years after the start of the Counter Crusades -- the Middle East's invasion of Europe -- it was unhealthy for the European media to say or write anything that was negative to the Holy Book. Its extremist adherents attacked the source and blood flowed. Fleeing the scene, no suicide bombers they, so-called Islamic State proudly boasted of the murders.



Tackling IS

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 21/10/2016

» After a delay that has tried my patience, this reviewer congratulates Britain's Stephen Leather for coming through for us. For half-a-decade authors have given IS (Islamic State) a wide berth, aware of their practice of murdering those disparaging their faith. Unlike suicide bombers, they have every intention of fleeing the scenes of their atrocities.


Be wary of your spouse

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/05/2016

» It's said that men marry for sex, women for security. An oversimplification yet consistent with the undeniable fact that each party enters matrimony with expectations. Before exchanging vows, they've probably discussed and agreed on children, one or two jobs, family relations, domicile, time with friends.


The Fourth Reich?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/05/2016

» Whereas the guns going quiet with a ceasefire (armistice) marked the finis of World War I, World War II ended with unconditional surrender. Tens of millions, soldiers and civilians, perished in both struggles. The sides realigned in the Cold War with far fewer deaths.