
Showing 31 - 40 of 2,694



DUP...SPCG keen on rooftop solar sales

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 26/05/2023

» SET-listed SPCG, a pioneer in solar farm development in Thailand, expects to earn more revenue from sales of rooftop solar panels to residential and commercial buildings as well as industries, with solar power becoming more popular.



TOP optimistic on outlook for oil trading this year

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 23/05/2023

» SET-listed Thai Oil Plc (TOP), the oil refinery arm of national oil and gas conglomerate PTT Plc, expects a better outlook for oil trading this year, with the global demand and supply of oil believed to be almost equal.



Renewable power deals to be ready in Q3

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 24/05/2023

» The state grid is expected to sign power purchase agreements (PPAs) with companies selected to join the state's 5.2-gigawatt renewables scheme within the third quarter of this year, says the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).



SPCG keen on rooftop solar sales

Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 25/05/2023

» SET-listed SPCG Plc, a pioneer in solar farm development in Thailand, expects to earn more revenue from sales of rooftop solar panels for residential and commercial buildings as well as industries, as solar power becomes more popular.



OR prepares for oil price volatility later this year

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 27/05/2023

» PTT Oil and Retail Business Plc (OR) is bracing for possible challenges caused by oil price fluctuations and a global economic slowdown that could affect the company in the second half of this year.



Putting clean energy in pole position

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 29/05/2023

» Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide in Thailand are gathering momentum as the government and businesses forge ahead with clean energy development projects.



Tasco forecasts 8.3% gain in asphalt sales

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 19/05/2023

» Tipco Asphalt Plc (Tasco), Thailand's largest asphalt producer, expects its sales to grow by 8.3% this year to 1.3 million tonnes despite a global economic slowdown and possible delay in state spending related to the lengthy process required to set up a new government.



PTT expects LNG import surge this year

Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 19/05/2023

» The national oil and gas conglomerate PTT Plc plans to increase liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports to 6 million tonnes this year, up from 3.3 million in 2022, in line with growing demand in the power sector driven by the tourism recovery.



WHAUP awarded B2.9bn water supply contracts

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 18/05/2023

» SET-listed WHA Utilities and Power (WHAUP), which provides utilities under WHA Corp, Thailand's biggest industrial land developer and operator, has secured two contracts worth 2.9 billion baht to supply "premium clarified water" to solar panel and rubber glove manufacturers, in a move to sell more value-added products.



QTC predicts 15% revenue expansion for this year

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 17/05/2023

» QTC Energy Plc, a Thai power transformer manufacturer, expects revenue to grow by almost 15% to 1.4 billion baht this year, up from 1.23 billion in 2022, despite a loss in the first quarter.