
Showing 51 - 60 of 132



Life is a Cabaret

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 31/01/2013

» In the Chinese blockbuster Lost In Thailand that recently took China by storm (and opens in Bangkok on Feb 7), one of the most memorable scenes is when two male characters meet a beautiful woman endowed with the figure of a supermodel at a temple. The woman, they later learn, is actually a transsexual. It's one of the film's big jokes. Long before this movie was released, in the eyes of many foreign visitors the Thai transgender community was one of the unique characters of this country _ unique, bizarre, fascinating, exotic, etc.



Going Places

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 06/02/2013

» Tiny in size, Singapore is a country that dreams big, and one of the city nation's dreams is to become the hub of art in Southeast Asia. With the success of Art Stage Singapore 2013 last month _ the third edition of the region's largest such fair that attracted 131 galleries and 600 artists from around the world including Thailand _ the dream is on course to becoming a reality.



Triumph in adversity

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 13/02/2013

» Klao Rojanamethakul was 10 years old when he had to quit school. With seven siblings to look after, his parents couldn't afford all their children full access to complete basic education. Young Klao decided to follow his father _ a well-known master of nang talung shadow puppetry native to south Thailand _ to such performances in the region.



Pillars of shame to go

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 20/02/2013

» They're known, sarcastically, as Bangkok's Stonehenge. The abandoned Hopewell pillars have graced _ or disgraced _ our north-bound highway like shameful, or shameless, monuments that everybody wishes to forget. These unused pillars stand awkwardly to remind us, souvenirs of failure and corruption over the past 20 years.



Asean and gay

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 28/02/2013

» Everywhere you go these days, you'll see or hear the word "Asean" in every possible media outlet _ from newspapers, billboards to subway screens (almost ad nauseam). Sometimes it seems that the word is being overused and in some cases doesn't make sense. The best example, I would say, is the slogan for a national beauty pageant: "Beauty with virtue, beauty through the eyes of Asean" (we get the point, but hello, what is that?)



Sea cows to the slaughter

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 06/03/2013

» At first glance, it appears like any other island in the Andaman Sea: there are white, sandy beaches, a lively village of fishermen, and all a convenient 30-minute boat ride from the Thai mainland. But what makes Koh Libong extraordinary is that it is home to the dugong, the endangered marine mammal.



Kaws and effect

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 14/03/2013

» After its re-launch, Bangkok's shopping destination Siam Center has made a successful comeback with chic interior design and a cutting-edge concept. To go with the new look, Siam Center is introducing "Siam Center World Art Collectors' Exhibition", a showcase to celebrate art and a chance for visitors to experience top-notch pieces brought to Bangkok from collectors' treasure troves.



Razor's edge

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 18/01/2013

» Everything about a barbershop is nostalgic: the buzzing-bee sound of a clipper, the fragrant scent of talcum, the cut-throat razor and rotating chair. For most Thai men, they evoke memories of their formative years, a place where as students they were given a proper (military-style, in certain cases) short haircut as required by their schools.



Latest Gossip

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 17/01/2013

» Guests at the grand opening of the revamped Siam Center, rising stars from American hit series Gossip Girl Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester turned heads and elicited screams. Headlining the list of international celebrities who came for the celebration, the two were warmly welcomed with thousands of fans who eagerly waited for their official presence in the city.



Back in the spotlight

Muse, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 24/11/2012

» Even in a casual black V-neck T-shirt and a pair of jeans, when fashion photographer and former model Todd Anthony Tyler walks down to the hotel's lounge for an interview, all eyes are on him.