
Showing 1 - 10 of 27



The power of pride

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 31/10/2013

» Ihave just returned from my second visit to Taipei, a beautiful city with a lot to offer. Famed for its modernity, vibrant street life and political passion, Taipei holds another significance that not many Thais know about _ it is home to Asia's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parade.



Son of providence

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 28/08/2013

» When David Cicilline decided to run for the US Congress three years ago, he was racked by inner doubt. It had nothing to do with his ability, or with his strong commitment to representing his home state of Rhode Island. The doubt was closer to his heart: could an openly gay person win the post?



Taking centre stage

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 29/08/2013

» It is a fact: Thai transgender women are among the most beautiful in the world. Compared to many countries, Thailand is open-minded about transgender people where there are places for them to stand proud, especially in the entertainment industry.


Going viral

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 03/09/2013

» When Hollywood couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones announced a split last week after 13 years of marriage to "evaluate" their relationship, for some people thoughts turned to human papillo-mavirus (HPV). Two months earlier, Douglas had made comments about his throat cancer, saying that it had been caused by the virus and was contracted from oral sex. He later clarified this, saying he did not contract it from Zeta-Jones and media outlets have reported that it was likely a pre-existing infection.



Man of the moment

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 11/10/2013

» Narin Palanuraksa's office is rather empty, just a table with a computer. Not many possessions are on the shelf but there are a variety of magazines hailing from all over the world. It's obvious to visitors that he has only moved in recently.



Steel yourself

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 27/06/2013

» At first, I was afraid. I was petrified. No, I'm not singing Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive. I'm merely thinking of the scene in Man Of Steel, with the young Clark Kent hiding his true self in the classroom.


Marking a pink-letter day for LGBT rights

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 28/06/2013

» Earlier this month US President Barack Obama officially recognised June as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Pride Month to celebrate gender diversity and equal rights.



Lab-tested performer

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 01/08/2013

» Boonsueb Phanpraserd is living the life of his dreams. By day, he wears a long white coat in a hospital as a medical laboratory technician, and during the evening he disguises himself under thick make-up and glittery costumes as a Thai folk theatre performer.



Breaking the language barrier

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 01/05/2013

» Sompen Krutanon speaks Khmer as fluently as she does Thai. Born in the Northeast and once a resident of Phnom Penh, she returned to Bangkok two years ago and is now teaching Khmer language courses at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University and privately. In the process she's become a small bridge that can perhaps narrow the perceived difference between the two nations.



Passing with flying colours

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 13/05/2013

» Interior designer Charif Lona insisted that his picture accompanying this article must be in black and white. Why? He said he's best represented that way.