
Showing 1 - 10 of 12


Panel to probe threat suspects’ finances

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 30/05/2014

» The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has appointed a panel to probe the financial transactions of people or organisations suspected of posing a threat to national security.


Temple axes Doi Suthep dome build

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 05/06/2014

» Chiang Mai: Phra That Doi Suthep has scrapped plans to build a large golden dome to quell public concerns the structure would be an eyesore and obstruct the view from the popular mountaintop temple.


Wife of drug kingpin suspect nabbed, assets seized

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 04/05/2014

» CHIANG MAI: Authorities have seized assets worth 150 million baht from a drug trafficking suspect and arrested his wife on charges of collusion and money laundering.


Low humidity scuttles rainmaking plans

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 03/03/2014

» The rainmaking operation in the North will be suspended in the next few days as low humidity in the drought-stricken region has rendered it impossible.


Thick haze forces flights to turn back

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 23/03/2014

» Chiang Mai: Thick haze blanketing the North forced the diversion of four flights en route to Chiang Mai airport yesterday.


Public offers mixed views on cable cars

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 27/11/2013

» CHIANG MAI : The ambitious 2-billion-baht 10km Chiang Mai cable car project met a mixed response at a forum on Tuesday.


Lin Ping heads to China to find a mate

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 29/09/2013

» CHIANG MAI : Hundreds of well-wishers, fans and tourists joined a ceremony yesterday to bid farewell to Thai-born giant panda Lin Ping.


Govt wants to show world it can beat floods

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 17/05/2013

» CHIANG MAI : The second Asia-Pacific Water Summit will give Thailand the opportunity to show the world what it takes to handle water and flood management effectively, a water expert says.


Illegal ivory trade crackdown gets under way

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 23/02/2013

» CHIANG MAI : Wildlife and plant conservation authorities have vowed to take harsh action against those involved in the illegal ivory trade in Chiang Mai.


Banned MP Praphat goes back to the land

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 12/01/2013

» An "enforced" holiday was just what the doctor ordered for veteran Suphan Buri politician Praphat Phothasuthon, who has spent most of the past four years turning his mind to developing properties and an inspired spell as an educator.