
Showing 81 - 90 of 311



Combating the beasts

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 24/03/2017

» The world is a jungle and its beasts -- humans and animal -- are out to get us. Can the forces, sworn to protect and defend us, keep them at bay? It's touch and go. The basic task is not to catch them after they've struck, but to prevent them from striking.


Enough is enough

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/03/2017

» During my grade-school years in the Big Apple enduring the Great Depression, movies were too expensive and there was no television. Radio provided the only affordable entertainment to us working families. Mom listened to soap operas while doing the housework and I was a captive audience.



Here comes the judge

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/04/2017

» Ours isn't a very bad world, nor is it a very good one. We are born selfish, which isn't wrong in itself. What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours is only fair. However, what's mine is mine, what's yours is mine isn't. How do we protect ourselves when he proceeds to take what is ours?



Roman Britain

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/03/2017

» Ancient Rome's legions -- approximately 5,500 men each -- were rightly famed for their fighting skills. Overlooked is that they were more than warriors. Incomparable engineers, they built fortresses that still stand, and constructed roads and aqueducts.



Two wives, one husband

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/03/2017

» For multi-millennia, marriage has been about possession. Hands of he/she belong to me. To be sure, in most societies the husband got the best of it as the wife's belongings became his. Why else wed? Well-to-do widows, with both her and her late spouse's goods in her hands, were the prize catch.



The actual arch-enemy

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/02/2017

» For several years after the start of the Counter Crusades -- the Middle East's invasion of Europe -- it was unhealthy for the European media to say or write anything that was negative to the Holy Book. Its extremist adherents attacked the source and blood flowed. Fleeing the scene, no suicide bombers they, so-called Islamic State proudly boasted of the murders.



The Chinese spy

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/02/2017

» If the majority of cloak and dagger scriveners are to be believed, look no further than the CIA for enemy spies (or MI6 as the case may be). In their espionage thrillers, both top secret intelligence agencies are infested with foreign moles and domestic traitors, often in high positions.



Scandinavian myth

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/02/2017

» However much we desire to live in peace, when our nations' leaders beat the drums of war we are obliged to exchange our sickles for guns and march off to combat evil (our side of course good). Through training and luck we return victorious from the fray, perhaps without a leg but with a medal to compensate for it.



The Tudor women

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/03/2017

» So much has been written about England's Tudor dynasty that duplication is inevitable. Historians and historical novelists are hard put to find new angles. Henry VIII has been analysed every which way. There is no way of getting around the fact that he had six wives, ordering two to be decapitated.


A Cold War thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/01/2017

» The time was when visiting the USSR was difficult and leaving it impossible. Lenin and Stalin had built the ideal state and close contact with the outside world would only contaminate it. Until Hitler offered a deal they couldn't refuse -- to slice up Poland between them.