
Showing 1 - 3 of 3



To squat or not?

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 09/05/2016

» Like religion and politics, toilet etiquette is a touchy subject. The latest proof is the debate on the future of traditional squat toilets in Thailand after a new law on the manufacturing standard of toilet seats came into effect on April 23. The law has provoked discussion and even fear that the state will ban the use of squat toilets, archaic but cheap household facilities that are still used in rural areas, as well as many houses and buildings.


The War on drugs

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/05/2016

» Drugs are a trillion-dollar business and the so-called War on Drugs is under-financed. So much is paid to the powers that be to turn a blind eye that those who fight the good fight deserve the credit they get when busting a drug ring.



Technological playground in bloom

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 09/05/2016

» Sensory light and instrumental melodies greet us as we lift each black curtain to see projections of blooming flowers, flowing sea waves and crows. As we continue to navigate along the dark hallway, we come out in a playground filled with sea creatures, light balls, transforming hieroglyphics and more. Bangkok's brand-new playground -- teamLab IsLands: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Interactive Theme Park -- is set to enthral its young visitors and the whole family through interactivity and co-creation.