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The future’s written all over your face

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 22/11/2015

» Born and raised in a large Chinese family, 32-year-old Hong has always been familiar with the traditions of her ancestors. Her mother strictly follows every ritual and ceremony. Besides all the important customs, they are also strong believers in Chinese physiognomy, otherwise known as the art of face reading.


Get yourself on a lucky streak

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 22/11/2015

» Belief in ngo heng, or how your facial features determine your fate in life, is widespread among Thai people of Chinese heritage. But it’s hardly the only superstition relating to luck in a country where everything from the day you were born to the letters in your name are thought to have a bearing on the path your life takes. Here are some of the things that could put you on the right track, or set you off course.