
Showing 1 - 10 of 48


Syria jihadists capture regime town along vital road

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» BEIRUT - Jihadists on Thursday seized a key town along a vital road in Syria's central Hama province, where regime forces are struggling to gain ground despite a month of Russian air strikes.


Castro visits Mexico to relaunch ties

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» MéRIDA (MEXICO) - Raul Castro heads to Mexico on Thursday in the first visit by a Cuban president in 13 years, cementing a diplomatic renewal following tensions between his brother Fidel and conservative governments.


Germany may prosecute VW over emission lies

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» FRANKFURT - German prosecutors on Thursday launched an investigation into new allegations that Volkswagen lied about the carbon dioxide emissions of up to 800,000 cars, as the auto giant sinks ever deeper into a massive pollution-cheating scandal.


Iran: Death to American consumer goods

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» TEHRAN - Iran is banning the entry of US consumer goods, the commerce and industry minister said Thursday, as the country prepares for a lifting of economic sanctions.


Berlin moves to protect its Wall from souvenir-hunters

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» BERLIN - A quarter-century after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the city said Thursday it would build a barrier to protect the longest surviving stretch from a sharp rise in vandalism.


Mustard gas used in Syria fighting

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» THE HAGUE - Weapons experts have concluded for the first time that mustard gas was used during fighting in Syria in August, an official at the global chemical arms watchdog told AFP Thursday.


Some extreme weather made worse by climate change: study

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» MIAMI - A killer snowstorm in the Himalayas, a scorching heat wave in Argentina and lashing rainfall in southern France last year were all made worse by climate change, international scientists said Thursday.


TPP text released, new battle lines drawn

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» WASHINGTON - The long-secret text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal was released Thursday to expressions of support from business but vows by labor, environmental and health groups to fight ratification.


Orbiter reveals clues about loss of atmosphere on Mars

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» MIAMI - Mars may once have supported life but is now a cold, dry planet -- and scientists said Thursday that a stormy sun likely accelerated the loss of its atmosphere.


Gatland to leave Wales after 2019: reports

AFP, Published on 06/11/2015

» WELLINGTON - Wales coach Warren Gatland will quit his post after the 2019 World Cup and return to New Zealand, media reports in his homeland said Friday.