
Showing 21 - 30 of 56


Who will be on Obama's new dream team?

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» A week after winning re-election President Barack Obama has yet to reveal his new White House dream team amid fierce jostling for coveted posts key to shaping America's foreign and defense policy.


China closes pivotal Communist congress

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» Chinese President Hu Jintao on Wednesday closed a pivotal ruling Communist Party congress tasked with choosing a new circle of top leaders who will guide the world's most populous nation for a decade.


N. Korea shipped missile parts to Syria: media

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» North Korea tried to export ballistic missile parts to Syria in May in violation of UN sanctions, Japanese media said Wednesday, citing diplomats who have seen a classified UN report.


US, Australia bolster defence ties with new space radar

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» The United States military will station a powerful radar and a space telescope in Australia as part of its strategic shift towards Asia, the two countries announced Wednesday.


Calls to end priests' confessional silence on abuse

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said on Wednesday it was "abhorrent" for priests not to report paedophilic acts revealed in the confessional, and urged Australia's child sex inquiry to investigate the issue.


Record: Diamond sells for $21.5m

Published on 14/11/2012

» GENEVA – A chestnut-sized gem that was once owned by a Habsburg royal fetched US$21.5 million at an auction in Geneva on Tuesday evening, setting the highest-ever price per carat for a colourless diamond, auction house Christie's said.


China's Xi Jinping set to take over Communist Party

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» Xi Jinping is set to take the reins of China's all-powerful Communist Party Thursday in a leadership transition that will put him in charge of the world's number two economy for the next decade.


Pop star censured for kissing monks

Published on 14/11/2012

» HANOI - Vietnam's Ministry of Culture has told Ho Chi Minh City authorities to punish a male pop singer for kissing two monks at a charity auction this month, a government official said Wednesday.


Massive protest caps European anti-austerity strikes

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» Hundreds of thousands of protesters swamped Madrid in a mass outcry against austerity Wednesday, capping strikes across southern Europe that boiled over into sporadic clashes.


Greek debt crisis bares strains between IMF, EU

AFP, Published on 14/11/2012

» The Greek debt crisis has revealed new strains between the International Monetary Fund and European officials, with the two sides at odds over how to head off a looming default by Athens.