
Showing 21 - 30 of 236



No slacking off in hunt for salak

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 14/08/2016

» Roy Cruise sent me an email asking where to find chempedak (Artocarpus integer), salak (Salacca zalacca) and gandaria (Bouea macrophylla) in Thailand. A friend of his in Cavite, Philippines, had asked him to look for the said fruit trees but he has not been able to find them in Mae Hong Son, where he lives. "I was wondering if you had any idea where I may find them?" he asked.



Sparing some expense

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 21/08/2016

» When my now adult children were in primary school, bananas were so cheap that we fed kluay namwa to our pet birds. My late father, who was visiting from the Philippines, made it his duty to feed the birds while my husband and I were at work and the children were in school.



Prickly customers

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 28/08/2016

» If the number of stalls selling a plant can be an indication of its popularity, then cacti and succulents are clearly back in favour. At Chatuchak midweek plant market there are certainly more vendors selling these miniature beauties than ever before. Many are species and hybrids newly introduced from other countries.



Succulents are not totally cactus

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 03/07/2016

» Plants are like fashion: They come and go. Years ago, cacti were all the rage. Some gardening enthusiasts grew nothing but cacti and succulents, and had the time of their lives grafting one species of cactus on another and showing off their creations at plant exhibitions and contests. Then, in the years and decades that followed other species of plants caught the fancy of growers, until the much loved cacti were all but forgotten.



Reach for your buzzers

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 10/07/2016

» I know that bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers to produce honey to feed their young. As they fly from one flower to another they pollinate the flowers. I also know that there are beekeepers who raise bees for their honey. The bees are let out in the morning to gather nectar and return to their hives before nightfall.



Sleep has never been this appealing

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 12/06/2016

» When a friend learned that I have trouble sleeping, she told be about an article she had just read recommending banana tea for those suffering from insomnia. "All you have to do is boil an unpeeled banana, with both ends cut off, in a small pot of water for 10 minutes. Pour the water through a colander into a mug, and drink it one hour before bed," she instructed.



A welcome that neverwears out

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 19/06/2016

» It is common knowledge that the Philippine national costume, the barong Tagalog, is made from the fibres of pineapple leaves. Lightweight, embroidered in front and worn untucked over an undershirt, it is worn by both men and women as a formal attire.



Changing the landscape

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 26/06/2016

» Thomas Loke wrote to say that he does landscaping and hopes to use bromeliads in his future designs. He wants to know whether there is going to be a bromeliad fair this year.


If you can stand the heat

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 01/05/2016

» It's especially hot, of course, in Thailand during the summer months. But judging from the way Cassia fistula is blooming heavily this year, this summer has been even hotter than previous years.


Turn over a fresh leaf

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 08/05/2016

» If you have tasted the Thai traditional snack mieng kham, then you know how Piper sarmentosum, or cha phlu in Thai, is eaten. Mieng kham is a concoction of one or two pieces of diced ginger, shallots and lime, a slice or two of chilli, one or two pieces of dried shrimp and roasted peanut, and a pinch of toasted shredded coconut. All of that is topped with a sauce made from palm sugar, fish sauce, galangal, lemongrass and ginger, and wrapped together with a cha phlu leaf. Eaten in one bite, the different flavours blend perfectly, like different musical instruments played harmoniously together to create a beautiful melody.