
Showing 1 - 10 of 21



Asean defence chiefs to discuss terrorism, N.Korea

Kyodo News, Published on 23/10/2017

» CLARK, Philippines: Southeast Asian defence ministers are expected to discuss terrorism, South China Sea territorial disputes, and North Korea missile and nuclear threats when they meet Monday in Pampanga province, north Manila, according to a meeting document.



North Korea launches three missiles

Kyodo News, Published on 19/07/2016

» SEOUL - North Korea launched three ballistic missiles into the sea off its east coast Tuesday morning, according to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Japan, US mull financial sanctions on North Korea

Kyodo News, Published on 07/02/2016

» TOKYO - Japan, the United States and South Korea are considering slapping financial sanctions on North Korea for conducting a fourth nuclear test last month, diplomatic sources said on Saturday.



North Korea launches long-range rocket

Kyodo News, Published on 07/02/2016

» North Korea launched a long-range rocket Sunday in defiance of international warnings, in a move widely viewed as a disguised ballistic missile test.



Asean ministers resent China's moves to "militarise" South China Sea

Kyodo News, Published on 28/02/2016

» VIENTIANE - Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) adopted a statement Saturday expressing veiled resentment over China's building of artificial islands and fortifying of its garrison in the South China Sea, without specifically naming the country.



Kim Jong Un: Latest nuke test was "self-defence"

Kyodo News, Published on 10/01/2016

» North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has told military officers that the country's nuclear test earlier this week was an act of self-defence against the United States nuclear threat, the state-run news agency reported on Sunday.


US flies B-52 over South Korea

Kyodo News, Published on 10/01/2016

» SEOUL - The United States military on Sunday dispatched a nuclear-capable B-52 bomber on a flight over South Korea, in an apparent show of force to North Korea following its globally condemned fourth nuclear test.



Smartphones hack Japanese cars

Kyodo News, Published on 15/12/2015

» Japanese cars could be hacked and remote-controlled through smartphones if they were equipped with devices connected to the Internet, according to an experiment conducted by an associate professor at Hiroshima City University's Graduate School of Information Sciences.



Thailand, Japan agree to fight terrorism after Paris attacks

Kyodo News, Published on 16/11/2015

» Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai and his Japanese counterpart agreed Monday to cooperate with the international community to combat terrorism in the wake of deadly attacks in Paris on Friday, as well as a bombing in Bangkok in August.



'IS suicide bombers' threaten Asean summit

Kyodo News, Published on 20/11/2015

» KUALA LUMPUR - The chief of Malaysian police said late Thursday that they have yet to confirm information about the presence of alleged Islamic State suicide bombers in Kuala Lumpur, where leaders from 18 countries including the United States, Japan, China and Thailand gather this weekend for a series of meetings.