
Showing 91 - 100 of 221


Helping people navigate through adversity

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 03/11/2014

» 'Coach Kriengsak, I want to inspire my people more during this tough time," Tada tells me.


How to become an 'A' player

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 10/11/2014

» In my 12 years of experience as an executive coach, I have met hundreds of "A" players. They are professional knowledge workers at all levels, from management trainees to chief executives. They are great at their work and have good people skills. I notice that most of them have the following qualities in common:


High-performance teams and Thai values: not always the best fit

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 17/11/2014

» A high-performance organisation consists of high-performance teams working together. However, such teams in Thailand often are unable to achieve the excellence they are capable of. One big reason is that the Thai values we cherish as part of our unique identity can have a negative impact in the workplace. I have in mind four values in particular:


Command and control or influence and inspire?

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 24/11/2014

» 'Coach Kriengsak, the latest report of our employee engagement survey showed that our knowledge workers are not happy with the leadership style of my executive team."


Be more effective with fewer meetings

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 22/09/2014

» 'Coach Kriengsak, I've been asked to sit on the board of a state enterprise," Dej tells me. "I agreed since it's an opportunity to be involved in a small part of the Thailand reform movement. Now that I have another new responsibility, I need to be more effective when it comes to my time management. I want to discuss this with you today."


Unleashing knowledge workers' potential

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 29/09/2014

» 'Knowledge workers are not subordinates; they are associates," Peter F. Drucker wrote in the book Management Challenges.


Helping a CEO to delegate better

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 25/08/2014

» 'Coach Kriengsak, I like the quote that you posted recently on Facebook when you wrote: 'We don't have enough time to delegate properly. But we have time to solve the problems that arose from misunderstanding during the delegation.' This is exactly the mistake I always make and I'd really like to talk about it with you today," Peter tells me.


Helping a chief executive develop coaching skills

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 01/09/2014

» Surat has been a CEO for three years. Having successfully built up many of the capabilities of his organisation, he's now focusing on coaching his successor to replace him in the near future.


How a CEO can learn about blind spots

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 15/09/2014

» 'Coach Kriengsak, as a new CEO, I'm sure I have some blind spots that I need to be aware of," Preeda tells me. "When I was with my previous employer, you helped me by obtaining 360-degree feedback through interviews with people who worked with me. But I don't think we can do that yet at my new employer since I've been here only two months. Is there any other option for me?"


Adopting a new mindset to be a future leader

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 21/07/2014

» Mr Sak was identified as a talent in a leading organisation. In a previous coaching session, he shared with me his career aspiration to be a chief executive in five years.