
Showing 21 - 30 of 46


Listen to the valves of the heart

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 06/08/2013

» A patient once asked me whether a heart could talk, because doctors always listen to it. I corrected him that I actually listen to the heart valves most of the time, and no, they don't talk. Or maybe they do, but in a language incomprehensible for us human beings.



The arteries of your heart need TLC

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 18/06/2013

» Ischemic heart disease and coronary heart disease are sometimes confused because the two conditions share similarities. The first term is used to describe a situation whereby there is insufficient blood flow to some areas of the heart; it does not necessarily mean there is a blockage.



Putting your heart to the test

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 30/04/2013

» Concerning heart examinations, there are so many words that confuse people, and sometimes doctors too. What's the difference between the techniques? What does each of them do? Which one do you need?



We can't stop the clock, but we can stop the rot

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 19/03/2013

» Nobody wants to get old, but sadly it is an inevitable fact of life. Being old comes with a lot of undesirable changes including saggy skin, grey hair and body parts that don't function as well as they used to.



Don't let anger win

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 08/01/2013

» There is a Buddhist teaching that says you should conquer an angry person by not being angry, conquer a bad person by being good, conquer a stingy person by giving and conquer a liar by telling the truth.


No need to chicken out

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 05/02/2013

» During the past few years, we have often heard about avian flu, and chicken is a part of the spreading of this epidemic. Avian flu can actually be fatal, but it seems like chicken meat is just too tasty to pass up. Its popularity is still rising despite all the news about bird flu.



If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 20/11/2012

» Over the past few years, there has been much debate about the benefits of taking vitamins, especially vitamins E and C, at a higher dosage than the body's daily requirement, in the hope that they can prevent heart diseases and hardening of the arteries. These two vitamins have antioxidant properties, but can they also prevent disease?



What goes up must come down

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 04/12/2012

» Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a risk factor that can lead to a narrowed coronary artery and other arteries throughout the body, and it can plague people of any age. There are many reasons why a person's blood pressure is high, but about 80% of the time, the cause cannot be determined.



The no-nonsense way to ditch the fat

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 11/09/2012

» Talking about weight adds weight to a lot of people's shoulders, and most people avoid revealing their numbers out of embarrassment.


All about harmony

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 30/10/2012

» When we were young, we were always told stories with the underlying message that harmony is power. As we grow older, we see a lot of examples. Just take a look at any newspaper and flip to the political news page _ that's what happens when people are divided.