Search Result for “woman”

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Hooray for... Hancock park

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 25/04/2010

» You know, back when I was living in Bangkok I was a pretty modest kind of guy. I know that sounds like I've been living here in Los Angeles for an eternity, as opposed to 14 nights, but I can tell you I've changed.




Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 01/06/2010

» There are places we can go on this planet where we are not the dominant species or top predator, places where only brave men dare to venture and places where humans actually, and actively, get preyed upon. To be eaten alive, I think, would be the worst way to die, yet it happens to people every year, eaten alive by a few select animals. Let me introduce you to the maneaters.



The clothes horse is in clover

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 06/06/2010

» Just arrived back from a clothes shopping trip in Los Angeles. Hardly justification for a column, I know, but bear with me. Things get a little more deep and meaningful as we progress.



Who knows what the future brings?

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 16/05/2010

» I was interested to read the news of well known fortune teller Mor Krit's sentencing to six months in prison for making a very, very wrong prediction. It's a story far bigger in the Thai press than in the English one.



Breaking News!

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 23/05/2010

» Back in 1989 I was a journalist working for a daily newspaper in Australia, and one of the very last assignments I had before embarking on my trip to Thailand was one of the toughest. Through a few contacts, and my reputation for being a fair journalist (this was a long time ago, remember), I interviewed a group of paedophiles who met once a week in an anonymous suburban house.



Edible kitty litter, Viagra & Odourless cat's urine

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 30/05/2010

» One of the first things I become expert at whenever I visit the United States is its television. I have no choice in the matter. Over here in the States I'm awake when I'm asleep in Bangkok, and jetlag thus hits me like a Northeastern truck driver on methamphetamines.



Native tongue twisters

Andrew Biggs, Published on 02/05/2010

» All around my Los Angeles neighbourhood are hand-written signs tacked onto lofty palm trees: ``ACCENT ELIMINATION''. The two words are followed by a local telephone number, which to my surprise doesn't begin with 555. Accent Elimination _ how intriguing.



A man and his Motor Mouse

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 14/03/2010

» Imagine my surprise last week when a mouse stuck its head out of my car air-conditioner. It was late at night in the car park of Channel 3. It seems this little mouse had made a home in my car for more than a few days, which would explain the scuffling and shuffling heard on and off by yours truly this past week. Thank goodness it was a mouse and not the onset of schizophrenia.


Plain bloody minded

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 21/03/2010

» Last Tuesday we witnessed the spectacle of a couple of thousand largely under-educated, but probably very nice, country folk spatter their blood at the gates to Parliament House. A Brahmin priest dressed in unflattering white danced and chanted and painted evil curses in blood on the four corners of the House. As the sun went down the red shirts went back to their camping ground at the Royal Plaza, and I went home wondering if they were remaking Monty Python here in Thailand.



The dark side of Thailand

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 28/03/2010

» There is an ad on Thai TV at the moment for a product that whitens your armpits. That's right. Your armpits. That's all; nothing else. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. It's an ad for a roll-on deodorant, but the main thing is not that you smell nice. Rather, your underarms will be white.