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Nippon express

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/11/2021

» Thailand has reopened its borders to foreigners and the prospect of travelling abroad seems to be more of a reality now than it did a few months ago. It's not entirely back to normal though. There are hurdles to go through and it costs a lot of money if you want to go abroad and return to Thailand. That being said, unless you're unlike many of us and showed great self-control when it came to spending on food deliveries during lockdown, you've probably saved a fair bit to travel. A recent Visa survey revealed that the number one place Thais want to visit is Japan and if you can't get yourself there, Guru has the next best thing -- places in the Land of Smiles that transport you to the Land of the Rising Sun.



Screen stealers

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/09/2018

» It's not news that the Thai film industry is doing well and the films being produced are not just successful in Thailand, are also gaining recognition outside the country. Thai blockbusters, however, are the usual: rom-coms, comedies, horror movies, horror-comedies, with a few action movies thrown in for good measure. But these aren't the entirety of the movies being made in the Kingdom. Just last week, Manta Ray won an award at the Venice Film Festival. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of other Thai films that have not only gained recognition outside of Thailand but have also received awards.



Taxi tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/02/2018

» Ah, taxis. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Unless you live along the skytrain or subway station or you have the capacity and willpower to survive riding a bus, then taxis are the vein of your existence in terms of transportation. Sure, there are alternatives now like Grab and Uber (legality undetermined but hey, this is Bangkok), but for the longest time before those apps came to save us, we depended on good ol' taxis. Knowing that, we thought that each of us probably had a few interesting taxi rides and we decided to ask you to send us some of yours. You didn't disappoint. Here are some of our favourite Taxi Tales sent in by you.



Of land and sea

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/10/2017

» <b>The Setting:</b> Off the main busy road of Ekkamai lies a haven of Mediterranean goodness that goes by the name of Pesca Mar & Terra Bistro. Freshly opened and only three weeks old, Pesca is handled by the same people who manage Cocotte. The aesthetic feel and ambiance Pesca gives off is very much like its cuisine. And if you're thinking that the space is similar to Cocotte's, we're glad to say that you're mistaken -- it's bigger. There's a whole section where the live seafood is displayed as well as a bread-and-cheese section which rivals the ones you typically see at hotels. There's also seating outside where the bar and the live plancha are located. Unless there's really heavy rain, it's still possible to sit outside. But wherever you choose to sit, you get lost and somehow leave Bangkok behind because you genuinely think you're dining at some seaside restaurant off the coast of Spain. Mediterranean is the cuisine, but Pesca's got the Mediterranean feel for their restaurant down to a tee.