Search Result for “phone”

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The facts on Fatca

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 04/08/2013

» As any American can tell you, the US government, through its Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has no equal in regards to the resources it can deploy and the lengths to which it will go to ensure that it gets every penny it presumes is owed from your paycheque.


Keeping goods at the inn

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 01/06/2014

» As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Thailand hosted more than 26 million visitors last year, according to the Department of Tourism. Each of those travellers required a place to sleep, be it a 5-star hotel or a bungalow on the beach. Hotel owners undertake certain legal responsibilities when providing their guests with a room in which to leave their belongings. On occasion a guest’s property is either damaged or lost (stolen) when left in their room, in which case it becomes a question of liability. Who is responsible for those lost or damaged goods and to what extent?