Search Result for “north side”

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Rocket science

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 30/08/2013

» From the average to the cosy to the indulgent, Bangkok has had close to the full spectrum of brunch options to deliver your weekly fix of eggs and caffeine on lazy weekend mornings. The only thing missing it seemed was a venue that combined all the elements. That was until two months ago, when Rocket opened its doors in Sathon. And the owners have the measurements right, in perfect, Nasa-worthy proportions.


The definite

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 07/06/2013

» Call us grammar geeks, but it's amazing the difference a single article can make when put in front of a name. We considered calling ourselves "The Guru" for this edition, in sympathy with the restaurant up for consideration here, but decided against. But while The District brazenly insists its own definite article, it has reason to be confident.


Charm of the Siam

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 21/09/2012

» The audacity! Opening a hotel with such a grand name as The Siam seems awfully ambitious, we thought. It reminds us of the 80s band Europe, the group named for a continent that delivered a lot less than their title promised. Why didn't they just call the hotel "The Bomb" and be done with it?


Thai? Laos? Yeah!

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 31/08/2012

» Age is a funny thing in Bangkok. While everyone seems obsessed with everything looking younger and new, a hotel in Sukhumvit has done the exact opposite, ripening itself almost a century overnight to defy the stainless bling of the boutique hotel march. Cabochon Hotel & Residence instead looks back to the days of yore for inspiration, landing in 1920s Shanghai to be exact. And inside is a new Isan restaurant, Thai Lao Yeh, that is also happy in continuing the past glories of this region's food, and to good (and spicy) effect.