Search Result for “best picture”

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Why headhunters don't answer your emails or calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 19/11/2019

» "Once upon a time" is the phrase that begins fairy tales and fabulous stories set in some unspecified moment in the past. Except the story you are about to read. There is nothing "fairy" or "fabulous" about this real life experience of mine.


Why a top candidate rejected a job offer

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/02/2019

» Here you are, this is for you: Recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers. You will get lots of learning points in this unbelievable real-life story of why a candidate declined a job offer from a famous brand name in the industry.



Should I trust my gut feeling when hiring people?

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/09/2017

» Using your gut is similar to scratching the surface of something; to examine and discover only the superficial aspects of something, or in this case a candidate. We call it the "Four A Syndrome", because when you trust your gut, you are assessing a candidate's presentation skills over business performance and substance.


Losing a candidate to a counter offer

Tom Sorensen, Published on 24/07/2017

» You are already many months into your search for that evasive talent you need to head the new business unit, your factory, your company or whatever it is in your case. You are finally down to that one person who you believe will make the difference. Your favourite candidate has indicated an intention to join and an offer has been negotiated. Both parties have agreed and you have it on paper. The head office and your local organisation have already been informed about the new arrival. A sigh of relief and a pat on your shoulder.



Two ways to test candidate personality and intelligence before you hire

Tom Sorensen, Published on 03/07/2017

» Picture a jigsaw puzzle. Then think about the next candidate you are going to interview. This candidate is like the jigsaw puzzle you just pictured, a human being put together by many different shapes and forms of puzzle pieces.


The top five fatal mistakes made by Job-Seekers

Business, Tom Sorensen, Published on 03/01/2013

» In my last column, "How to Make the Headhunter Hate You", on Dec 21, I looked at five of the Top 10 faux pas committed by people in the course of applying and interviewing for new jobs. To recap briefly, they were: getting people's names wrong, an overlong re{aac}sume{aac}, dressing for the disco instead of for an interview, failing to prepare, and faking your qualifications. But it gets worse: here are our final _ and potentially fatal _ five: