Search Result for “beach”

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The most slack-tastic time of year!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/12/2012

» We've finally made it to December, which means that the seizure-inducing lights have been strung up across the city, the festive outdoor events are taking place in full force, and there may be at least five cases of assault as a result of annoying Christmas music blaring in every department store.


Welcome to the quarter-life crisis

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 11/05/2012

» I know you imagine me to be the sort of suave girl who turns heads everywhere she goes, with legs so long they stretch from Thong Lor to Mor Chit, and a smile that could light up Sukhumvit when the power goes out during a rainstorm. Yes, on the surface it seems I'm one big walking eye-gasm who has her shiz together. But the truth is...