Search Result for “caught”

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A black leopard in broad daylight

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 29/05/2013

» It was late April among the growth of the Western Forest Complex, one of my favourite places in Thailand. The first rains had come and doused the dangerous forest fires that had spread throughout the area during the dry hot season between March and May.



Snakes Alive

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 31/10/2012

» A magnificent serpent some 5m in length slides along the forest floor looking for another reptile to eat. Its movement is swift but steady. Senses are on high alert as a rat snake moves ahead. The big snake rears up and strikes, pumping venom into the smaller one. The two wrestle for a short while but soon it is all over as the "king" swallows the victim headfirst.



The plight of the Forest Patrol Ranger

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 26/09/2012

» Nit packed his bag and said goodbye to his wife and two daughters. It would be the last time he saw his family. He jumped on his new motorcycle and left the village heading to the national park headquarters, some 30km away. On the way, he made a quick stop at the market to buy some rice and food for a week's trip into the forest. His salary was about $150 a month, and he wondered how the family was going to make ends meet.



Amazing Biodiversity in jeopardy

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 26/03/2012

» On Dec 8, 1941, the same day of the Pearl Harbor attack in Hawaii (Dec 7 in the US), the Japanese Imperial Army invaded Thailand with thousands of troops and settled in. Sometime in 1942, a decision was made to build a railway from Bangkok to Burma and beyond through the thick malaria- and tiger-infested jungles in Kanchanaburi province using Allied and Asian prisoners of war as construction labour.