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News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 04/05/2020
» His Majesty the King's commitment to improving the wellbeing of Thais was reflected in the first speech which the monarch delivered upon his coronation amid solemn and ornate royal rituals inside the Grand Palace on May 4 last year.
News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 04/01/2016
» Bread and butter issues remain critical to the government's fate this year, with its handling of the economy likely to influence the referendum on the draft charter and perhaps even its mid-2017 promise of a return to democracy.
News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 09/07/2015
» The military court's decision to release the 14 students of the New Democracy Movement (NDM) is a win-win move for both the military regime and the young activists.