Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 03/09/2020
» Drenched with a heavy downpour on Tuesday night while picketing in front of Government House, Anong Kuson looked up at the ferocious sky, her face wet with tears mixed with merciless rain.
News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 02/03/2016
» The cradle of rice and water. That is how we Thais like to describe our country, proud of being blessed by natural abundance. Sadly, such good fortune is now history.
News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 30/09/2015
» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said all the right things in his speech at the UN summit. Congratulations. The question is whether he will make good on his promises to do the right things to make the world a better place. The challenge is right here at home.
News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 29/07/2015
» When you hold a public hearing, the goal is to listen to wide-ranging opinions on the issue at hand, isn't it? In hearings on controversial matters, government officials are supposed to play the neutral role to bring about open discussions to reach a well-informed decision, aren't they?
News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 02/10/2013
» The name Mae Jaem evokes a romantic Shangri-La like image in many Thais' minds.