Showing 1 - 3 of 3
News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 09/08/2018
» As monsoon rains have struck the Mekong region recently, some countries have been hit hard by flooding. These disasters reflect the fact that the region's development projects have not fully recognised climate change impacts and so lack plans to deal with them.
Business, Pathom Sangwongwanich, Published on 14/07/2015
» The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has cautioned that China's worse-than-expected economic slowdown could pose further downside risks to the already struggling Thai economy.
Jon Fernquest, Published on 29/11/2011
» World Bank: Thailand in good financial position to pay for flood recovery. Govt debt at 40.2% of GDP, well within 60% legal debt ceiling.