Search Result for “young men”

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Programming with passion

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 23/07/2018

» Rebecca Parsons loves the great outdoors, whether it's exploring the Dalmatian Coast in southern Croatia, the Galapagos Islands or the upper Amazon, to get an up-close look at a fascinating ecosystem.



Some like it Siam

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 29/09/2017

» New things to do in Siam!? What an obvious story, we hear you say, dear readers! Another one about what's going on in the square mile of Bangkok's beating heart, which has been the epicentre of the city's art, culture and fashion scene since the 70s. Well, actually, new developments have occurred which simply cannot go unnoticed! And while researching the new, we found ourselves re-igniting that old flaming passion we had many years ago for the square. Some things don't change, and other things do, but it's safe to say that if you spend a day here, you'll locate that pulse that gives life to all your inspirations, be filled with new tastes and colours and perhaps pull an all-nighter working on your next big project. Read on to see why.



Empires make way for new generation 

Business, Post Reporters, Published on 02/01/2015

» It's an old Chinese saying: the first generation builds the business, the second makes it a success, but the third wrecks it. In many cases, this old saying has proved to be true.