Search Result for “young men”

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Not a farce?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/07/2013

» Foaled in the Big Apple during the Great Depression, my earliest memories were of my father's ambition for me to be a doctor. Second best, a lawyer. The thing was that hospital smells turned my stomach. And I know my limitations. No Clarence Darrow, I.



Human trafficking

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/03/2013

» Slavery is as old as mankind. The slaves were made to work by the rich and powerful, their owners and overseers, at physical labours that sapped their strength and deprived them of their dignity. Often chained, always beaten to keep them in line. Tilling fields, building pyramids, or rowing ships, they died in place.



Crime in Chinatown

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/08/2012

» Novels about innocent young girls being abducted by dirty old men for sexual purposes fill shelves in libraries. They are based on real life tragic stories reported by the media. Despite the efforts of the law enforcement authorities, few of the perpetrators are caught.



Punishing the innocent

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/08/2012

» Looking at the name of the author of 15 Seconds, I did a double-take. I knew that I hadn't reviewed a book by Andrew Gross before, so why was he familiar to me? The thumbnail sketch of his background provided the answer. Gross is in James Patterson's stable of writers.



The Dragon Lady?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/05/2012

» First ladies _ wives of presidents and prime ministers _ have generally been innocuous. On display during election time, they then faded into the background. Few made a name for themselves afterwards, most notably Hillary Rodham Clinton, appointed secretary of state when her husband was no longer in the White House.



SAS or Navy Seals?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/04/2012

» Every country has elite troops, but which are the best in the world? I used to think it was the Gurkhas, but they appear to have faded from the scene. The Russian Spatznaz get good marks, but in this day and time it comes down to Britain's SAS and America's Navy Seals.


The Greater Depression

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/02/2012

» One of the subjects my brain can't grasp is finance _ make that the field of economics. The one thing about it I thought I knew, not to spend more than one earns, is clearly wrong. Countries with billions of dollars in debts and counting are still spending with alacrity.