Search Result for “year 12”

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Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 05/12/2014

» At this time of year, you can be guaranteed plenty of outdoor antics on offer, but this season's spoils seem particularly appealing. Even though today (Dec 5) is dry in honour of Thai Father's Day, the rest of the weekend has plenty on offer, event-wise.


Red hot and raring

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 28/11/2014

» With the launch of new tapas-style food bar Hot Rod in Ekamai, Ash Sutton is back and racing. What to do when your bar empire gets pulled out from under you? Start rebuilding, of course. Positioned in the front of the cordial Park Lane precinct, the place is a great pairing with the equally aesthetic AR Sutton & Co Engineers Siam colonial den right behind. Maximising the modest dimensions of the room, Hot Rod’s interior is a jungle-laden tapas bar to sit up at in one of the 12 over-sized swivel chairs and take in the action. Outside is plenty of space for bigger groups and overspill (30+), particularly nice at this time of year, but inside is where you want to be. Sit up at the bar and watch the chef wield the wok as the many staff scurry around the shadowy recesses behind you. The pulsating deep beat soundtrack fuels the futuristic feel further. The crowd is a mix of well-rehearsed Sutton followers, restaurant hoppers and thankful Ekamites.


Gate crasher

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 07/11/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Gate crasher

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 31/10/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Gate Crasher

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 15/08/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Gate Crasher

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 20/06/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Gate crasher

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 23/05/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Gate Crasher

Life, Richard Mcleish, Published on 23/05/2014

» Welcome to Guru’s Gate Crasher, your ultimate guide to finding something fresh to do in this big city.


Med spread at Moko

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 07/05/2014

» Located in one of the burgeoning leafy sois of mid-Sathon, Moko Coffee & Eatery is a recent addition to the daytime dining scene of the city. It’s located just round the corner from some fair competition in Rocket, the Swedish-tinged brunch juggernaut. But at Moko the trajectory is of a different Euro-flavour, with an unashamed Mediterranean bent, executed with panache and poise. Modelled on (multi) shophouse proportions, the interior is an airy open-plan room of blacks and whites with plenty of natural light and an easy ambience to welcome you in off the street. The soft jazz sets the tone right, and you can almost feel the heat and bustle outside slipping away as you dip your croissant in your coffee. The crowd is a mix of Europeans trying to feel closer to home and well-heeled local residents that know their latte from their larb.


Bon vivant bliss

Guru, Richard Mcleish, Published on 11/04/2014

» It seems that every sub-soi of Ekamai holds some kind of treasure these days, whether it be a craft beer sanctuary, a coffee bean roaster or a gallery space. The area seems to have taken up the mantle that Ari has hinted at for years but arguably never delivered on. Nestled down the quiet Soi 2 (right next to Toot Yung Art Center), Vivant Table is the latest off-map neighbourhood restaurant to charm local residents. It’s based on the proportions of a double shophouse, with a long leather sprung sofa along the near wall and a small wine bar area at the back. Comfy couches, mood lighting and segregated areas complete the cosy mise-en-scene. For a more intimate setting, couches upstairs offer two cosy tables of four diners each and there’s a decent-sized patio and smoking area with seating for another 16 or so.