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Pandemics through the Ages: One more wake-up call unheeded?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 28/05/2020

» Pandemics have been an endemic feature of human history throughout the passage of time. They have killed off more people than wars and famines.



Women in Business: is the gender gap narrowing?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 19/03/2018

» Although authoritarianism seems to be gaining popular precedence over democracy in many parts of the world, there are encouraging signs that other aspects of egalitarian philosophy are achieving more widespread approval. In particular, the importance of the role of women in society is gaining increasing recognition. Some developments are quite dramatic: who would have thought it possible that women might soon be allowed to drive cars in Saudi Arabia? How could it be, that Iran might be seriously considering allowing women to watch football matches?


Is English language proficiency the passport to business success?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 04/09/2017

» English language, mathematics and science have been defined as the essential basis for modern education. But for Thailand, recent comparative testing has indicated that these "must have" skills are often "don't have" skills holding back economic progress.



Thailand's challenge: Rich in ambitions, poor in people skills?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 22/05/2017

» Announcement of visionary and ambitious plans has become almost routine. The year 2017 will apparently not be an election year (nothing new about that) but has begun with boom times in the planning sector. In January 2017, we were treated to announcements about "Thailand 4.0". These were soon followed by further revelations about the "Eastern Economic Corridor". These schemes are all part of government strategies to move Thailand into "Thriving in the 21st century: security, prosperity and sustainability". The 21st century has been going for quite a while now, but "better late than never", and "never" had become quite a routine in recent years.


Women's leadership: mentoring Asia's rising stars

Christopher Bruton, Published on 06/12/2016

» Women represent at least half of national populations around the world, yet they are poorly represented in leadership and management positions in most countries. With increasing emphasis on gender equality, ageing and now diminishing populations, it is increasingly important to take advantage of the talents of women for enhancement of the workforce. In particular, it is essential to take the best advantage of highly talented young women, who can attain top leadership positions in the public and private sectors in the future.



Remote location workers: issues, opportunities and risks

Christopher Bruton, Published on 28/11/2016

» In recent surveys of manpower requirements, a third of business leaders have indicated that they envisage that more than half of their full-time staff may be based and working outside their corporate premises by 2020. This could mean that one in five of all employees, as well as consultants and independent commission workers, may either never, or only rarely, come face-to-face with their immediate reporting supervisors. Many may hardly ever meet other members of their corporate community. This situation presents many physical and psychological risks that need to be resolved.



Maintaining Office Security

Christopher Bruton, Published on 07/11/2016

» Continuing our series on various aspects of preventive security for staff and visitors, we are pleased to present the following interview with Matthias Hoffrichter, Business Development Director, PCS Security and Facility (Thailand) Ltd. This explains some of the issues involved in maintaining security of office and factory premises to assure the safety of both staffers and visitors. Security can come alongside some inconvenience, but this is surely better than suffering potential damage and injury from terrorism or violence.



Home-safe-home for staffers

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/09/2016

» In an increasingly high risk world, companies bringing senior expatriates into Thailand, or even providing housing for non-Bangkok origin local staffers, will need to consider carefully how best to house these valuable human resources, along with their families. Bangkok and other localities in Central, Eastern, Northern or Northeastern Thailand are not currently considered high risk localities, certainly lower risk than Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta or particularly Manila, although higher risk than Singapore or Hong Kong.



Personality testing debate continued -- The Myers Briggs response

Christopher Bruton, Published on 08/08/2016

» In last week's Human Resource Watch, we discussed personality testing, with a cautionary viewpoint on the validity of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). We invited MBTI Thailand sole distributor Potentia to present their response.



Human Resource Watch: News from AEC Neighbours

Christopher Bruton, Published on 11/07/2016

» As a member country and partner within the ASEAN Economic Community, Thailand needs to keep appraised of human resources innovations and changes taking place in other member countries. We can thereby maintain our competitive advantage and potentially learn from the experience of neighbour countries.