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Why headhunters don't answer your emails or calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 28/11/2019

» “Once upon a time” is the phrase that begins fairy tales and fabulous stories set in some unspecified moment in the past. Except the story you are about to read. There is nothing “fairy” or “fabulous” about this real life experience of mine.


Why headhunters don't answer your emails or calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 19/11/2019

» "Once upon a time" is the phrase that begins fairy tales and fabulous stories set in some unspecified moment in the past. Except the story you are about to read. There is nothing "fairy" or "fabulous" about this real life experience of mine.



A recruiter’s nightmare: new hires who walk away from already accepted offers

Tom Sorensen, Published on 15/01/2019

» So true, there is nothing as frustrating as getting that call from a candidate who recently signed your offer letter and employment contract.



Three things most HR Managers still don't get

Tom Sorensen, Published on 17/12/2018

» You will be surprised when you read this. Something so simple as knowing the Thai Labour law inside out. You would expect that from HR, right?



Detecting winners ahead of the race: 6 key competencies to assess when interviewing candidates

Tom Sorensen, Published on 08/10/2018

» In every interview of candidates and applicants for a management or supervisory position, you should evaluate those candidates on six leadership characteristics. Overall, each candidate is rated, on a scale of one to five, on each characteristic.



How you can compete with robots in the future job market

Tom Sorensen, Published on 28/05/2018

» Any chance you have been to New York in the last 12 months? Perhaps visiting McDonalds on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street to get yourself a cheese burger?



8 reasons why you should hang-up when a headhunter calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 12/03/2018

» If you think that recruiters help you to find a job, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you: executive search firms and recruitment companies find candidates for jobs -- they do not find jobs for candidates. May I say, don't shoot the messenger please (read: me).



What’s your New Year career resolution?

Tom Sorensen, Published on 01/02/2018

» Being in Asia, there is little in the weather which tells you that we are once again in the month of January. The festive holiday season is now behind us and you may have thought of your own personal calendar New Year or Chinese New Year resolutions. It’s the time for reflecting on the changes we all want in the coming year.



Headhunters don't take the rap for clients' behaviour

Tom Sorensen, Published on 02/10/2017

» If you want to know how to jerk the headhunter around, how to make recruiters hate you, how to toy with them and lie to them, or how you lead them to believe one thing while meaning another, promise them something when you really have no intention of keeping your word, then the following will tell it all.


The top five fatal mistakes made by Job-Seekers

Business, Tom Sorensen, Published on 03/01/2013

» In my last column, "How to Make the Headhunter Hate You", on Dec 21, I looked at five of the Top 10 faux pas committed by people in the course of applying and interviewing for new jobs. To recap briefly, they were: getting people's names wrong, an overlong re{aac}sume{aac}, dressing for the disco instead of for an interview, failing to prepare, and faking your qualifications. But it gets worse: here are our final _ and potentially fatal _ five: