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Forecasting the future of innovation in Asia

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 17/09/2015

» Two weeks ago, I invested time and money in my own professional development. Sohail Inayatullah, one of the world's foremost futurists, was invited by the Change Initiative to run a Futures Foresight workshop in Bangkok. He introduced a set of simple but powerful forecasting questions. How do they play out if a group of innovation experts applies them to forecast the future of innovation in Asia in 2035?


Six questions to help you make the most of proprietary knowledge

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 20/08/2015

» At the ISPIM Innovation Conference in Budapest two months ago, I participated in an interesting workshop entitled "Constructing the Open Innovation Manager: Renaissance 2.0". In an earlier article four weeks ago, I described the wide-ranging knowledge and skills that an open innovation manager needed to meet the challenging demands of this important position.


Running the creative transformation marathon (Part 2) 

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/06/2015

» My last column compared an organisation that wants to become innovative with a couch potato who wants to run a marathon. Both need something that makes them want to change. Both need to check their fitness and readiness for change. Both must resolve to change and then prove their willingness by committing resources (time and money) to it.


Archetypes and your brand

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 20/11/2014

» Have you ever noticed that some people you meet remind you of others you have known? That character types recur in myth and the narrative arts? These character classes are called archetypes, and you can use them to learn about yourself as well as your brand.


Get creative with your inbox and take control of email

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/08/2014

» Do you have email fatigue? Does your inbox constantly contain hundreds — even thousands — of emails? Does that number continue to grow? For many of us, email seems more of a curse than a blessing, a source of stress rather than a useful and speedy means of communication.