Search Result for “world title”

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Everything under the sun: A heated run through the region

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 24/02/2013

» In Richard Arthur's I of the Sun, a backpacker sets off for Southeast Asia to experience new cultures, to understand himself and life better, to forge a new beginning. The backpacker falls in love with Thailand's party scene, girls and natural beauty, while pondering the origin of the universe, the nature of cause and effect, the extent of free will _ all in a haze of uppers, downers, hallucinogens and casual relationships. Along the way he catches dengue fever and skin infections, becomes addicted to any number of substances and thrills, feels a bit of sympathy for others in their plights and a lot more for himself in his.



Their wildest dreams come true

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 07/10/2012

» Harvesting rice in a golden landscape, driving through the rain, a frog ready to leap out of the canvas. The concept and title of a new exhibition is "Untamed" _ in a sense an artistic return to the beauty, colours and diversity of the natural world _ and features work by 10 artists from V64 Art Studio. There are cityscapes and human figures, but even here the elements of nature _ rain, sun, ageing, regrowth _ are in the ascendant.



Exhibition pulls hiv positive out of their lonely plight

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» In 2001, an Aids-related brain infection forced Han Nefkens to learn to eat, walk, speak, read and write all over again. What could have been a lonely and harrowing path to recovery wasn't, he says, because of the community he has become a part of as a collector and patron of the arts for more than a decade.