Search Result for “world title”

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Merkel quitting as CDU leader

Associated Press, Published on 30/10/2018

» BERLIN: Angela Merkel set off Monday on what could be a three-year countdown to the end of her leadership of Germany, a stint that has made her the European Union's longest-serving leader and a key figure in facing the continent's many crises.


World's oldest person, a Japanese woman, dies at 117

Associated Press, Published on 27/07/2018

» TOKYO: The world's oldest person, a 117-year-old Japanese woman, has died.



Trump pardons late boxer Jack Johnson a century later

Associated Press, Published on 25/05/2018

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump has granted a rare posthumous pardon to boxing's first black heavyweight champion, clearing Jack Johnson's name more than 100 years after what many see as his racially charged conviction.



Six activists could face death penalty in Vietnam

Associated Press, Published on 05/04/2018

» HANOI: A court in Hanoi on Thursday opened the trial of six activists accused of attempting to overthrow the government as communist authorities stepped up their crackdown on dissent.



US military to meet 'migrant caravan' at Mexico border

Associated Press, Published on 04/04/2018

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump said Tuesday he wants to use the military to secure the US-Mexico border until his promised border wall is built.



Vietnam says ex-top police official organised gambling ring

Associated Press, Published on 12/03/2018

» HANOI: The former chief of Vietnam's police department for high-tech crimes has been arrested on suspicion of organizing a multimillion-dollar international gambling ring as the ruling Communist Party pushes an unprecedented crackdown on corruption.



China censors frantically scrub anti-Xi critics, satire

Associated Press, Published on 27/02/2018

» BEIJING: Chinese censors acted quickly Monday to remove satirical commentary online about the ruling Communist Party's move to enable President Xi Jinping to stay in power indefinitely, while political observers weighed the possibility that China will return to an era of one-man rule.



North Korea's Olympic ambition falters

Associated Press, Published on 20/02/2018

» PYEONGCHANG, South Korea: Kim Jong Un wants to turn his country into an international sports power - think East Germany in the 1970s and 80s. The North Korean leader is pouring resources into training and infrastructure, athletes are getting more recognition than ever and the country now even has an all-sports television channel, though it's not clear how many citizens are able to actually watch it.



Prosecutors demand 12-year prison term for Samsung heir Lee

Associated Press, Published on 27/12/2017

» SEOUL: Prosecutors on Wednesday demanded a 12-year prison term for Samsung's jailed billionaire heir Lee Jae-yong, who reportedly maintained his innocence during an appeal of his conviction on bribery and other charges.



Scotland irate as Brexit kills 'Capital of Culture' bid

Associated Press, Published on 24/11/2017

» LONDON: UK politicians expressed dismay Thursday after the European Union booted Britain out of the contest to become European Capital of Culture because of Brexit.