Search Result for “woman aged”

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Ask Yourself: Do i feel plucky?

B Magazine, Published on 19/02/2012

» Peng Ratchaworapong admits his ukulele obsession has gotten the better of him. ''I probably own about 16 now,'' he says. ''But they are so small and so cute right? They don't take up much space. Think about it like a woman and her shoes.''



The amazing race

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 12/02/2012

» 'The Race" at HOF Art's A+789 studio at Silom Galleria is an exhibition featuring four emerging artists exploring the theme of human existence. They use different media and have contrasting styles and approaches in their aim to present portrayals of the human condition.



In Full Bloom

Life, Jonathan Fryer, Published on 08/02/2012

» It was the stare that always got you. The bold, direct, Cleopatran stare of a woman who knows that she holds the reins simply because she's very comfortable in her own skin. In the '80s, her fame came from posing for sultry, eroticised photos that steamed up the rooms of men, young and old. Now Penpak Sirikul is 51. She has a 30-year-old son. She has no beau at the moment ("I won't hide, I never hide"). But she stares you down and disembowels you with her smouldering, black-widow heat. Look closely, boys: even now, Penpak doesn't do seduction. She is seduction.


What if JFK lived?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/01/2012

» There are two aspects to time travel, travelling to another time; making a change before returning to the starting point. That change leads to other changes and those to other changes still. HG Wells noted this in The Time Machine, Hollywood in its Back to The Future series.



Global visions

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 20/01/2012

» From Southeast Asian indies to Turkish policiers and Chilean dramas, the World Film Festival of Bangkok serves up a hefty cinematic portion that will enliven our theatre-going experience from today until Jan 27. Pushed back from November by the furious flood, the festival opens tonight at Paragon Cineplex with Padang Besar (I Carried You Home) and will offer around 100 titles, both short and feature-length, over the next seven days. All films will be screened at Esplanade Cineplex on Ratchadaphisek (MRT Thailand Cultural Centre), and the closing night will be an outdoor screening at The Nine, on Rama IX Road, which will feature a rare programme by Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki.