Search Result for “water park”

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Encroaching on villagers' rights

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 07/01/2015

» As a New Year's gift, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has promised to return happiness to the people by giving 53,000 rai of state land to landless villagers. On paper, it looks like a generous present.



Environment for disaster

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 15/12/2014

» The year 2014 hasn't been entirely memorable — in a good way, at least — when considering the progress of environmental campaigns.


Creating an urban oasis

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 15/10/2014

» Andrew Grant is right — Bangkok, he said, seems to lack a strong public idea about landscape. The renowned landscape architect's work have trailblazed and inspired environmental sustainability, incorporating the fundamentals of ecological planting, biodiversity and water use. Grant was recently in town as a guest lecturer at Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Architecture.



Life after death at the Kui Buri National Park

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 26/02/2014

» A dark cloud descended over the beautiful Kui Buri National Park in December of last year after the discovery of 18 mysterious deaths of gaurs (Indian bison) — the investigation is still ongoing, the park is still closed and the troubled history of the national park continues.


Top environmental news of 2013

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 08/01/2014

» The Pollution Control Department (PCD) last week released a list of the top 10 environmental new stories of 2013. The list was created from a poll of environmental news reporters. Here's a recap.



The tipping point

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 02/10/2013

» It is just small news, just another report of deaths. Two forest rangers were killed earlier this month by illegal poachers in Thungyai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, in the country's rich Western Forest Complex.


Dam if you do, Dam-if-you-don-t

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 24/07/2013

» The farming village of Sa-iab in Phrae province has been known for its staunch anti-dam protests. A visit to the village gives one a sense of entering a quasi-autonomous area. At the entrance, strangers are regularly asked to present their identity cards and sometimes questioned, but the obvious sign is a banner warning that officials and those who support the Kaeng Sua Ten Dam _ now the Northern Yom Dam and Lower Yom Dam _ are not allowed to enter the community.